Project Name: Teaching journalism for young people and children over 12 years of age with disabilities due to eye disease and its adnexa “Journalism Lessons for the Blind”
The project is implemented by the International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations “Eurasian Peoples' Assembly” using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for social services, social support and protection of citizens, provided by the Presidential Grants Foundation.
Project Manager: Chirkova Olga Nikolaevna, a well-known specialist in creating inclusive techniques, head of the project EURASIA KIDS and the Udmurt Regional Public Organisation “Creative Initiatives Support Centre “Zhuraveinik+".
Venue: Volga Federal District (Russia)
Project duration: September 1, 2020 — April 30, 2021
Project Goal: to facilitate social adaptation, develop creative abilities and promote career guidance for blind and visually impaired children over 12 years of age through their involvement in journalism. At the same time, advanced approaches are applied, including a specially developed audio manual.
Project content
The project involves the creation of a manual “Journalism Lessons for Blind Children”. The audio guide will allow children with vision problems to get acquainted with the basics of the profession of a journalist. The textbook will contain several sections. Listening to these sections, children can study the genres of journalism and stylistic features, the history of world and Russian journalism.
Expected results
More than 1000 “special” children of the Volga Federal District will have access to a unique audio manual for acquiring professional skills in journalism. This will allow them to further determine their career interests, develop their creative abilities, and involve them in the interesting world of journalism.
Project objectives:
- Preparation of audio manual content, working out of control and measurement materials and rating scales.
- Product promotion and broad awareness of target groups in the Volga Federal District.
- Conducting content review.
- Publishing a digital audio manual.
- Collection of information and analytical materials on the implementation of the project, preparation of a report and conclusions for further implementation and promotion.
Project partners: Izhevsk city organization of the Udmurt republican organization of the All-Russian public organization of disabled people “All-Russian Order of the Red Banner of Labour Society of the Blind”; URDOO “CSP Zhuraveinik”; Non-profit organization “Ray of the Sun” Charitable Foundation; Public Initiative “Special Mothers”; All-Russian public charitable foundation “Russian Children's Foundation” (RDF) Udmurt Republican Branch; MBUK “Sarapul Museum-Reserve”; Republic of Bashkortostan, MBEI Lyceum of the 21st Ufa city district/ Media Centre “Big Break”; Nizhny Novgorod Marine Club; Regional State Budgetary Educational Institution “Special educational institution “Ural Podvorie”; Editorial office of the newspaper “Argumenty i Fakty” Nizhny Novgorod; Joint Stock Company “TATMEDIA” “Editorial office of the magazine “KAZAN”-“KAZAN”; FSUE ITAR-TASS; International Association of Bloggers; LLC “Eurasia Daily”; “ELiEM PARTNERS” LLC - founder of the “Big Asia” TV Channel; International Media Holding MKR-Media (TV BRICS).
The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly invites everyone indifferent to the fate of children and interested in the implementation of the project and introduction of an audio manual to participate.
Tagieva Svetlana Sergeevna, +7 (915) 098-84-02;
Project news:
Young Journalists learned about the “Sunflower” Festival
What is Childhood? Tell me in One Word
Textbook Presentation - a Step towards a Humanitarian Society
IZHLIFE: A Blind Teenager published the First Newspaper in Izhevsk for the Visually Impaired
First Lesson on Journalism for Blind Children on the Future Textbook
Inclusive Practices of the EURSIA KIDS Project will form the Basis of the Graduation Qualifying Work
Firsthand look at the new audio guide "Journalism Lessons for the Blind". Video
First 2021 Issue of the Newspaper for Blind Children is dedicated to the Assembly Project
Olga Chirkova awarded with the “Recognition” Prize of the Head of Udmurtia
Working meeting of representatives of the Assembly and the University of Cadiz
Yulia Petrova: Attitude to Special Children characterizes the Level of the Society Development
Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly won a Grant from the President of the Russian Federation