General Council Members

Andrey Yurievich BELYANINOV, Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly,  Member of the State Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Political Science (Russia)


Chairperson of the General Council 



Svetlana Konstantinovna SMIRNOVA, First Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, Chairperson of the General Council of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, member of the Presidential Council for Interethnic Relations of the Russian Federation, Chairperson of the Senezhsky Forum movement, Doctor of Political Science (Russia)


Co-Chairpersons of the General Council

Alexandra Vasilievna OCHIROVA, Member of the State Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador (Russia) 




Deputy Secretaries General


Alexander Ivanovich AGEEV, General Director of Institute of Economic Strategies, Doctor of Economics, professor, эксперт РАН (Russia)


Igor Panteleimonovich GIORGADZE, President of the ANO «Georgia Abroad» (Georgia)


Mehdi DOUSS, Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, founder and President of “La Maree” company (Tunisia)


Rauf Khurshud oglu ZEYNI, President of the National Forum of Azerbaijan NGOs (Azerbaijan)


Anatoly Evgenievich KARPOV, President of the International Union of Charitable and Humanitarian Public Associations “Soviet Peace Fund” (Russia)


Sergey Aleksandrovich KONOVALENKO, Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly (Russia)


Stanislav Lvovich KOROLEV, Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Analytical Center, Director of the SCO National Centre for Public Diplomacy in Russia (Russia)


Tokon Bolotbekovich MAMYTOV, Head of the Department for Political Science Research and Expertise of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Doctor of Political Science (Kyrgyzstan)


Vitaly Vikentievich MANKEVICH, President of the Russian-Asian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (Russia)


Mantusov Vladimir Badminovich, Deputy Secretary General, Executive Director of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly (Russia)


Yuri Nikolaevich MISHCHERYAKOV, First Vice-President of the International Assembly of Capitals and Major Cities (Russia)


 Tolegen Muhamedjanovich MUHAMEDJANOV, President of the International Association “Peace via Culture “, President of the International Fund  “Congress of Spiritual Consent”, co-chairman of the World Forum of Spiritual Culture  (Kazakhstan)


Andrey Gennadievich NAZAROV, Prime Minister of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Head of the Representative Office of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia)


François NDENGWE, Chair of the African Advisory Council (AAB) (Cameroon)

Yuri Anatolevich PALAMARCHUK, Head of the Representative Office of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly in the Leningrad Region, President of the NGO “Council for Interethnic Cooperation”, Member of the Council for Interethnic Relations under the Governor of the Leningrad Region (Russia)


Julia Igorevna PETROVA, Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, Professor, Ph.D. in Economics (Russia)


Alexander Leonidovich RABINOVICH, Director General of SHA-International Ratings Centre in the USA, Canada, Europe and the European Union (Israel)


Valery Davydovich RUZIN, Chairman of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly Council for Cooperation in the Eurasian Media Space, President of the Eurasian Academy of Television and Radio (Russia)


Sergey Feliksovich SANAKOEV, President of the Russian-Chinese Analytical Centre ANO "Centre for Asia-Pacific Studies" (Russia)



Eduard Anatolievich TARAN,  President of RATM Holding, President of Novosibirsk regional Football Federation (Russia) 



Yuriyus TRAKSHYALIS, Chairman of the Military Heritage Institute NGO (Lithuania)


Mikhail Vasilievich FEDOROV, Chairman of High Council of Universities’ Association of Great Eurasia (Russia)


HUNG To Ngoc, President of Hoa Binh University in Hanoi (Vietnam)


Svetlana SHARENKOVA, Chairman of the Bulgaria-Russia Forum (Bulgaria) 


Didier CHAUDESAYGUES, President of the Russian-French Economic Chamber (France)


General Council Members



Nazirjon Nasibzhonovich ABDUGANIEV, Deputy Chairman of the Council - Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Assembly of Peoples of Russia (Russia)



Ara Arshavirovich ABRAMYAN, President of the World Armenian Congress and the Union of Armenians of Russia, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, member of the Presidential Council for Interethnic Relations (Russia)


Lisbeth AUGUSTAT, First Vice-President of the International Association “Peace through Culture. Europe "(Austria)



Alexander Anatolevich AIGISTOV, Head of the Russian Agency for the Development of the Information Society "RARIO", President of the National Union of Non-Profit Organizations, Chairman of the Presidium of the Public Council on Information Development "Rosinformrazvitie" (Russia)



Sergei Mikhailovich ALEXEEV, Chairman of the Council of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly on Ecology, Chairman of the Committee on Nature Management and Ecology of the RF CCI, member of the Presidium of the Russian National Committee for Assistance to the United Nations Environment Program (Russia)


Mohmed Kamil ALMIINI, Founder and Chairman of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (UAE)



Diana Rami AL SHAER, Public figure, active athlete, international co-founder of the Equestrian Support Fund, Advisor on international issues of the Palestine Equestrian Federation, Founder of the private Palestine Equestrian Team (Palestine)



Venaly Vladimirovich AMELIN, Chairman of the Board of the Non-Governmental Organization “Commonwealth of the Peoples of Eurasia”, First Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Assembly of Peoples of Russia, Director of the Research Institute for the History, Ethnography of the Southern Urals, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor (Russia)



Ruslan Fatali Oglu BAYRAMOV, President of the International Charity Public Fund “Dialogue of Cultures - One World” (Russia)


Giovanni BALDI, President of the Pareto Academy (Italy)



Ivan Itulovich BELEKOV, Member of the State Duma Committee of the Russian Federation for CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots (Russia)



Vladimir BOZHOVICH, Chairman of the Montenegrin Non-Governmental Organization “Matica Srpska” (Montenegro)



Zelko BUDIMIR, Teaching assistant of the University of Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina)



Francois Henri Claude VELLAS, President of the International Association of Third Age Universities (France)




Victor Petrovich VODOLATSKY, Chairman of the Council for Cossack Integration of the Eurasian Peoples’  Assembly , Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee for CIS Affairs, Eurasian integration and relations with compatriots, member of the Presidential Council for Interethnic Relations, Doctor of Sociology (Russia)



Marco VUKOVICH, Vice President of the International Association “Peace through Culture. Europe” (Germany)






Ildar Irekovich GILMUTDINOV, First Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Assembly of Peoples of Russia, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee for National Affairs of the Federal Assembly, member of the Presidential Council on Interethnic Relations (Russia)



Olga Igorevna GONCHAROVA, Chairman of the Assembly of the Peoples of Moldova (Moldova)



Murad Faridovich HUSEYNOV, Director of the International Mugham Centre (Azerbaijan)



Irina Stepanovna DARNEVA, Member of the Presidium of the World Forum of Spiritual Culture, member of the Presidium of the International Association “Peace through Culture” (Russia)




Abducodir Dzhaborrovich DZHABOROV, Deputy Chairman of the Congress of Tajiks of Russia, President of SINO (Tajikistan)


Yousif Mohamed ZEYNAL, Chairman of the Union of Graduates of Soviet and Russian Universities in the Kingdom of Bahrain (Kingdom of Bahrain)



Vladimir Yuryevich ZORIN, First Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Assembly of Peoples of Russia, Chairman of the Commission on Interethnic Relations and Freedom of Conscience of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, member of the Presidential Council for Interethnic Relations, Doctor of Political Sciences (Russia)



Rok JENKO, Rock Jenko Advocate Director (Slovenia)



Marat Vazykhovich KABAEV, President of the International Association of Islamic Business (Russia)

Sergei Lvovich KANDYBOVICH, Chairman of the Council of the Federal National Cultural Autonomy of Belarusians of Russia, Member of the Presidential Council for Interethnic Relations (Russia)


Obafemi Olatunji Christopher KASUMU, Head of ESPAM University, CALAVI CAMPUS (Republic of Nigeria)

Ruslan Romanovich KOVEIKO, Head of the Representative Office of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly in Sevastopol (Russia)




Sreten KOCESKI, Chairman, Executive Director of CDI - Community Development Institute, National Umbrella (parent) Association for Sustainable Development, Education and Social Services (Macedonia)



Andrew Borisovich KRICHEVSKY, Secretary General of the Eurasian Confederation of Copyright Holders (Russia)



Victor Pavlovich KUSIANI, Chairman of the International non-governmental organization Euro-Asian "Alliance" (Georgia)



Margarita Arvitovna LANGENE, President of the Guild of Interethnic Journalism, member of the Presidential Council for Interethnic Relations (Russia)



Javad Ebrahim MOTTAGHI, Secretary General of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU); Academician of the Eurasian Academy of Television and Radio, (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) (Iran) 



Georgy Lvovich MURADOV, Head of the Representative Office of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly in the Republic of Crimea (Russia)



Ervin Kazimovich MUSAEV, Member of the Chamber of Young Legislators under the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Member of the Presidium of the Eurasian Academy of Television and Radio (Russia)


NURGAZIEVA Banu Ganievna, President of the Association of Legal Entities in the form of an association "Civil Alliance of Kazakhstan" (Kazakhstan)


Serge PHOCAS ODUNLAMI, President of the Centre for the Development of Business and Cooperation with Russia (Benin)

Anatoly Ivanovich PAVLOV, Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of Peoples of Russia (Russia)



Anastasia Valeryevna PAVLOVA, Director of the Cluster of Cultural Diplomacy and Tourism, Editor-in-Chief of the «International Cooperation. RAMS», international expert on tourist safety (Russia)



Vladimir Mikhailovich PLATONOV, President of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Deputy of the Moscow City Duma (Russia)



Marina Yuryevna PlYASUNOVA, Member of the General Council of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly (Russia)



Zalina Anatolievna ROSSOSHANSKAYA, Director of the “Bosphorus” Organization (Turkmenistan)

Stanislava ROUSOVA, President of the Open Doors of Europe Foundation (Czech)



Olga RUSAKOVA-CANVILLE, President of the French Association for the Development of Culture Art Concept (France)



Amr Ezzat SALAMA, Secretary General of the Association of Arab Universities (Egypt)



Ruben Aramovich SAFRASTYAN, Expert of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Advisor to the Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (Armenia)



Michael SUTOVSKI, Chairman of the Board of NAHAT  - Euro-Asian Institute for Human and Society Development (Israel)



Kari SUNBERG, Chairman of the Finnish National Delphic Committee, Doctor of Geographical Sciences (Finland)

Vitaliy Iono TWARIONAS, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Lithuania in the Republic of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan, Lithuania)



Oleg Anatolevich TOPOLNITSKY, Chairman of the Slavic Community of the Republic of Moldova (Moldova)



Larisa Aleksandrovna TRUNINA, Deputy Executive Director of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, Head of the Information Service of the International Center for Spiritual Culture (Russia)


WU JIANG, President of Beijing Chuangshiji Classical Literature and Art Company; member of the China Filmmakers Union; Academician and Vice President of the Eurasian Academy of Television and Radio (China)



John FARNDON, President of the Eurasian Creative Guild. London (Great Britain)

Erich FANHAUSER, Vice President of the International Association “Peace through Culture. Europe” (Switzerland)



Enea FRANZA, Director of the Department of Political Science, The International University for Peace – Rome UN (UPEACE) (Italy)



Zukhra Khadzhimakhmudovna SHIDAKOVA, Deputy Chairperson of the Council of the Assembly of the People of Kyrgyzstan, President of the Public Association "International Association of Karachais" Ata-Jurt "(Kyrgyzstan)



Elmira Muratbekovna SHCHERBAKOVA, President of the “Peace and Harmony” Foundation for Social Initiatives, General Producer of the “Theater Russia” project (Russia)