EURASIA KIDS took part in the International Children and Youth Forum "Dove of Peace", which was held on September 21 on the International Day of Peace.
The Forum organizers are the International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations “Eurasian Peoples' Assembly” and the Union of Citizens and Organizations for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Heritage “International Union “Heirs of Victory”.
The main goal of the event is to establish and develop direct ties between educational institutions of the Russian Federation and countries of near and far abroad in education, systemic historical, cultural, spiritual, moral and international education of children and youth, based on fraternal friendship, mutual respect and trust between peoples.
The event was attended by teachers, parents and children from more than 20 regions of the Eurasian continent.
At the plenary session, the participants were greeted by the Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly Andrei Belyaninov and the President of the Union of Citizens and Organizations for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Heritage "International Union "Heirs of Victory" Valery Kalyakin.
Four sections worked at the Forum: “The role of children and youth interaction and cooperation in strengthening peace and friendship between peoples of different countries. Social design and forms of youth cooperation”; “Historical, cultural, spiritual and moral education. Realities of the XXI century”; “Culture and Art in the Life of Modern Teenagers”; “Mentoring, volunteering and reMentoring. The role of education in the modern world”.
A serious talk about the future of the world, about the present-day realities, which was conducted by the participants of the Forum, laid the foundation for cooperation between teachers and children in different countries.
The organizers of the forum note:
“Today, more than ever, there is a need to restore a single historical, cultural and spiritual space of Russia and its friendly countries, destroyed by the humanitarian catastrophe of the 90s of the last century and modern challenges. Creation of a unified coordinated work in the regions of Russia and countries of the international community on historical, cultural, spiritual and moral unity and upbringing of children and youth, which allows building the further development of multilateral relations and expanding intercultural dialogue, multifaceted ties between the Russian Federation and the countries of the international community in the field of historical and patriotic education of children and youth on the basis of brotherly friendship, mutual respect and trust between peoples."
The first forum gathered over 1000 participants. The forum participants talked about how they see education in the future, about their worldview. Materials of the forum will be published in a special collection.
Alena Selezneva