Babushki from Buranovo became Guests of the XV International Festival of Children's and Youth Media “Sunflower”

17/09/2020 14:56

Babushki from Buranovo took part in the XV International Festival of Children's and Youth Media “Sunflower”, one of the events of the Humanitarian project of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly EURASIA KIDS.

“Children of war” - this phrase does not fit with the most famous grandmothers of Eurasia. The winners of the Eurovision Song Contest 2012 won the hearts of millions of people around the world. The success of the grandmothers from the village of Buranovo was stunning. But few people thought about what was the childhood of the famous performers. It was during the most difficult time of the war. During the war, children in Buranovo worked alongside adults.

When the war began, the male population was mobilized, and good horses were taken. Old-timers of the village remember that adults did not talk much about the war in front of the younger ones, but a disturbing mood was also passed on to children. And then death notices began to come to the village. Some of the villagers went missing at the front, some died in a foreign country from wounds. There were almost no men in the village, only women and teenagers. Children went to the forest for firewood. There were no matches either; they went to each other's houses in the morning, brought embers in a bucket, if they burned out in their oven. There was no salt. And still they ploughed with oxen. They went out on the field very early in the spring, in the mud. The clothes were bad; the bast shoes were worn out.

The children of war had to experience a lot. Grandmothers do not complain about their difficult life, they say that God helps in everything. Galina Nikolaevna Koneva, a member of the famous team, always brings souvenirs from every foreign trip, but she didn't want to buy anything in Germany.

Now is also a difficult time when the coronavirus can separate people, but we must be together heart and soul. Love people and remember no evil. This is a simple wisdom from the most famous grandmothers.

Katya Smirnova