V Open Eurasian Literary Festival of Festivals "LiFFt-2021"

November 11 – 13, 2021 Istanbul (Republic of Turkey) will host the V Eurasian Literary Festival of Festivals "LiFFt". The festival will be held offline with broadcast on the Internet.

Eurasian festival "Lifft" is an open platform for creative interaction of writers of the world, for a wide dialogue of writers and readers involved in creating a new model of international public relations based on culture and mutual respect, peacefulness, interethnic good-neighborliness and harmony in the name of preserving life on Earth.

Author and the project leader: Margarita Al, poet, philosopher, chairman of the Literary Council of Writers and Readers of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, President of the LiFFT Foundation.

Festival organizers

  • Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Cultural Projects of the Peoples of Eurasia "LiFFt"
  • İLESAM. Turkish Organization of the Community of Authors of Scientific and Literary Works
  • Literary Council of Writers and Readers of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly

The festival is supported by the International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations "Eurasian Peoples' Assembly", Russian PEN Center, Union of Writers and Readers "SPiCH", National Union of Non-Commercial Organizations.

The purpose of the Festival is to strengthen the creative and friendly ties of writers and readers of Eurasia, to create a single international literary space.


  • Uniting the literary festival movement of Eurasia.
  • Expansion of the tasks of the LiFFT literary forum "The Image of the Future Man and the Man of the Future."
  • Discovery of new young authors, facilitating communication between novice authors and recognized masters of words, establishing contacts between creative teams and individual authors.
  • Promoting the mutual enrichment of writers and readers through the establishment of a cultural space based on spiritual and moral values ​​common to all peoples.
  • Raising the prestige of literature and the authority of the modern writer in society.
  • Assistance in the promotion and exchange of literary publications.

Writers, poets, playwrights, literary critics, and cultural figures are invited to participate in the Festival.

The program of the Festival includes: the international literary forum "The Image of the Future Man and the Man of the Future", meetings with the laureates of the festival, presentations of books and magazines, poetry readings, the exhibition-performance "The Book of the Poet and the Artist" (drawing the Istanbul Book), meetings with the readers of Istanbul, demonstration of videos selected for the "Living Anthology of the World's Writers".

Festival program (PDF)

Festival Regulations (PDF)

Information about the festival: lifft.ru

email: lifft_turkey@mail.ru

phone. +7 (926) 524 56 62

Press Accreditation

by email: lifft_turkey@mail.ru


About the Festival:



Project news:

راية مهرجان أوراسيا الأدبي … من مصر إلى نيجيريا

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