On April 25, 2021, on the next anniversary of the meeting of Soviet and American troops on the Elbe in 1945, the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, together with partners, launched an unlimited International Public Action "Garden of Peace" under the slogan "Keep the World - Plant a Tree - Save the Planet".
The initiative group of representatives of Russian and American organizations and individuals considers the main goal of the Action to unite all mankind in the name of peace, tranquillity and development of our planet.
Representatives of 18 countries took part in the start of the Action: Russia, USA, India, China, Canada, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Armenia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, France, Switzerland, Luxembourg.
Live stream link: https://youtu.be/CARP9FnSnqI
The organizers are the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, the Russian House "Continent USA", the International Centre for Public Diplomacy of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, the International Council of Russian Compatriots (ICRC). The Action is supported by the UN Information Centre in Moscow and the Russian office of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).
On the eve it became known that the International Action "Garden of Memory", organized by the All-Russian public movement "Volunteers of Victory" and the Foundation for the Memory of Victory Commanders, and the International Public Action "Garden of Peace", organized by the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly and supported in 18 countries, join their efforts to preserve historical memory of the results of World War II and environmental protection. The “Garden of Peace” web-icons will now appear on the interactive map of the “Garden of Memory”.
During the broadcast, there were live broadcasts from the sites of the Action and tree planting sites in Russia.
In the village of Nelidovo, at the Mass Grave of Panfilov Heroes, Svetlana Smirnova, Chairman of the Council of the Russian Peoples’ Assembly, First Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, opened the ceremony:
- The International Public Action "Garden of Peace" starts with the laying of flowers at the Mass Grave of the Panfilov Heroes. Together with us, there are representatives of the Embassies of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, the administration of the Volokolamsk city district, the Assembly of the Peoples of Russia and the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly. We pay tribute to the memory of the heroes from the division of General I.V. Panfilov, from a platoon of tank destroyers under the command of political instructor Vasily Klochkov. In memory of the fallen heroes, 28 trees will now be planted here.
The Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly Andrei Belyaninov gave the official start of the International Public Action “Garden of Peace”:
- 80 years ago, Russians, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, as well as Ukrainians, Belarusians, Uzbeks, representatives of other nations, held the defence near Moscow shoulder to shoulder showing an example of fraternal unity, an example of courage and heroism.
We plant these trees on April 25, the day of the historic meeting on the Elbe, when in 1945 Soviet and American soldiers shook hands to bring victory closer. This reminds us that peace on earth, for the sake of which our ancestors lost their lives, can only be established together, by the whole world.
The participants of the ceremony in Volokolamsk and those who joined online, expressed their impressions and wishes to the organizers and participants of the "Garden of Peace" Action:
Counsellor of the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic Timur Shabdanbekov:
- My fellow countrymen are also buried here. Eternal memory to those who brought Victory closer!
Military Attaché of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation, Colonel Kair Tezekbayev:
- The division of General Panfilov was formed in Alma-Ata. And it won glory near Moscow. The feat of these fighters had a huge motivational effect for the next victories.
Head of the Volokolamsk City district Mikhail Sylka:
- The soldiers who are buried here brought the fame of the heroic Volokolamsk land. The feats of the same guys brought peace. May the world always be in our beautiful Universe!
Natalia Koneva, daughter of the legendary Soviet Marshal Ivan Konev, President of the Victory Commanders Memory Fund:
- The International Action "Garden of Peace" merges with the action organized by our Foundation, "Garden of Memory". Our alleys will for a long time remind of the great past, of the desire of people to keep the peace.
At the Memorial "Spirit of the Elbe" on Poklonnaya Gora, Russian and American public figures and diplomats planted trees, recalling the significance of the historic meeting on the Elbe in 1945. Participants joined online from Washington, Kiev, Sevastopol, other countries and cities.
Public figure, President of the Russian House "Continent USA" Edward Lozansky:
- On the Elbe, Russians and Americans met as friends, and it seemed that the spirit of friendship would always be there. Unfortunately, this did not happen. But we see that after so many decades the Spirit of Elba lives and helps us all.
Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea - Permanent Representative of the Republic of Crimea under the President of the Russian Federation Georgy Muradov:
- When difficulties arise in international relations, people's diplomacy comes forward. Only together can we protect peace, cooperation and mutual trust.
Ryan Kevin, General, Former Military Adviser to the US Embassy, Elba Group International:
- In the spring of 1945, General Robertson was ordered not to meet on the Elbe, but he did it for the sake of peace throughout the world. Today our group "Elba" continues his work, and we are grateful to the organizers of the Action for the strength that you are exerting for the common cause.
Zvak Peter, General, Former US Embassy Attaché:
- This year marks the 80th anniversary of the fascist attack on the USSR. Today is a very important day for us and our children, so that they understand and remember what has happened on the Elbe. There was optimism, there was hope. And this spirit continues to live. Such actions will make the relationship better.
Hasan Mirzoev, Chairman of the Presidium of the International Council of Russian Compatriots:
- We all want relations between States to be truly partnership. I would like to achieve mutual understanding of interests, consolidation of efforts in the name of all mankind. Ordinary people both in America and in Russia want peace.
Political scientist Mikhail Pogrebinsky, Kiev:
- It's a great idea to remember this wonderful event - the meeting on the Elbe. Maintaining mutual positive memories of being allies is extremely important for the relationship. Hope this helps and common sense wins. And it will be easier for us, who live in Ukraine, to look into the future.
Ruslan Koveiko, Chairman of the Council of the Sevastopol Regional Branch of the Assembly of the Peoples of Russia:
- Two days ago a monument was opened in Sevastopol. The female figure is the image of Russia, the image of a mother calling for reconciliation. Let only monuments and planted gardens remind us of the war.
Boris Barabash, ex-adviser to the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Kiev:
- In Ukraine, the meeting on the Elbe is not covered. It only remains to be regretted that young people know very little about this. We all understand that the political weather around the world depends on the relations between Russia and the United States. Today we have received positive news that a meeting of the presidents of these countries will take place.
Svetlana Sharenkova, Chairperson of the Bulgaria-Russia Forum:
- We need to negotiate. In 1945 the leaders found an opportunity to come to an agreement. When leaders cannot cope with the challenges, the work of people's diplomacy continues.
At VDNKh, young environmentalists opened the International Action “Garden of Peace”. Marianna Grigorovich, Head of the Department for Youth Cooperation of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, said that during the broadcast 25 apple trees were planted on the territory of the "City Farm", and a commemorative plaque was installed. A "Time Capsule" has been laid with a message for 2030, when the UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration will be completed. Among those who came to support the Action - President of "RusKlimatFond", partner of the Action in Russia, winner of the competition for innovative environmental projects of the United Nations Young Champions of the Earth Marianna Munteanu, Chairman of the Cultural and Educational Society "Capital" in Antalya Alexander Babaev, President of the Indian Student Association Mohammad Akil, as well as leaders of youth organizations and bloggers from Russia, India and China, Moldova, Cyprus.
The following people were connected to the broadcast of the International Public Action "Garden of Peace" and warmly supported it:
Dalbir Singh, Co-Chairman of the General Council of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, National Secretary of Indian National Congress, Chairman of One Globe Forum; Shidakova Zukhra, Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Assembly of the People of Kyrgyzstan, President of the Public Association “International Association of Karachais “Ata-Jurt”; Chang Cynthia and Eret Matthew - founders of The Rising Tide Foundation - a partner of the Action in Canada; Yang Fei, Union of Western and Eastern education from China; Trakshelis Yurius, Chairman of the Military Heritage Institute, Lithuania; Sergei Nazarenko, Chairman of the Public Association "Cadet Brotherhood", Moldova; Davoyan Tatul, Honorary Consul of the Consulate of the Republic of Armenia in the Republic of Moldova; Zeyni Rauf, Azerbaijan National NGO Forum; Kiprskiy Vladimir, co-founder of the LIVING PLANET World Movement; Khabibzod Izatulloi, Youth public organization of Tajikistan "Sozandagoni Vatan" (Creators of the Motherland).
Live stream link: https://youtu.be/CARP9FnSnqI
Partners of the "Garden of Peace" Action - in the press release: http://eurasia-assembly.org/ru/news/press-reliz-mezhdunarodnaya-obshchestvennaya-akciya-sadmira
International Public Action "Garden of Peace" continues. You can take part in it by organizing, singly or collectively, planting one or more trees in a place permitted by the legislation of your country.
Take a photo or short video (horizontal) and email it to gardenofpeace@eurasia-assembly.org for social media posting and video. You can also post the video on social networks yourself by putting two hashtags under it #СадМира #GardenofPeace and the @eurasiaassembly account.
By honouring war veterans while contributing to the fight against climate change, we express our concern for preserving the historical memory of the outcome of World War II and protecting the environment. It depends on each of us what kind of world we will live in!
International Public Action #СадМира #GardenofPeace under the motto "Keep the world - Plant a tree - Save the planet" - join us!