Guardian Angel and higher powers helping people move forward, in Creation, Love, maintaining Peace on Earth, spiritual and physical recovery. This image became the main one in the art exhibition “Angels of Peace”. The presentation of the International Art Project was held by the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly at the Moscow House of Nationalities.
The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, actively supporting the project, plays a crucial role in its development: the exhibition at the Moscow House of Nationalities presents 50 original paintings. Since 2014, they have been in Europe, where several exhibitions have been organized, including with the participation of European artists involved in the project. In 2020, a large exhibition tour was planned in 10 countries - Belarus, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia - and a large exhibition of 75 paintings in Berlin. However, due to the pandemic, the tour did not take place, and the paintings were stored in a warehouse in Prague until October 2023. And in not the best conditions for paintings.
Thanks to the help of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, it was possible to return the paintings to Russia in order to be able to organize exhibitions of the International Art Project “Angels of Peace” in the regions and countries of Eurasia.
The presentation at the Moscow House of Nationalities brought together those who are involved in the project and are not indifferent to its idea - the authors of the paintings, public figures, cultural figures, entrepreneurs, journalists. It is important that representatives of diplomatic missions of foreign states arrived at the presentation of “Angels of Peace” at the invitation of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly: Ambassadors of Djibouti, Panama, Sudan, Counselor of the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The Assembly Secretary General Andrei Belyaninov noted that the paintings, filled with light and goodness are truly unique: “The paintings are large - each one meter by meter in size, it can be difficult to exhibit them. But we have already begun to develop another area, printing tactile posters from paintings. They are light and mobile and give a unique effect - you can touch them and, due to the special fabric, it feels like you are stroking an Angel's wing. I think they have some kind of healing power. When guests come to our Assembly and see such posters, there is no limit to their delight! Let's think about a new stage in the development of the project: create exhibitions from such posters and send them to where they are greatly needed - hospitals, cancer centers, orphanages, rehabilitation centers. We already have such experience, and it is very beneficial. I appeal to representatives of diplomatic missions for support in promoting the project in different countries of the world.”
The invited Ambassadors of foreign states to the Russian Federation expressed their readiness to cooperate.
The project is being implemented with the support of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly and brings together artists from 26 countries: international exhibitions, art objects, competitions, festivals, and creative programs are held. In 2024, the “Angels of Peace” project will be 10 years old. During this time, 366 paintings on the theme “Guardian Angel” have been collected. It is planned to make a unique art object from them - a single calendar-painting 92 meters long and 4 meters high.
Yulia Ivanova, Krasnoyarsk artist, ideologist of the project: “The idea of the “Angels of Peace” project was born more than 20 years ago. At that time, I was very seriously ill and the prognosis was not encouraging. And I began to paint the image of an Angel every day, as gratitude for the day I had lived, for the fact that I live, can see my family, raise my little son. And... I recovered! The understanding has come that all of humanity, the entire Earth is in a painful state. And the idea arose for literally all of humanity to draw and create a huge calendar - 365 Angels! And we decided to gather 365 artists from all over the world.”
Unfortunately, today, Yulia is no longer with us, but the project remains alive. Its leaders, members of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly from Krasnoyarsk Natalya Yatsenko and Oleg Rovda, attract artists and poets, professionals and amateurs, adults and children to create bright and kind creative images. The project is not tied to any particular religion. It shows that the key values that help people pass the most difficult trials of life with dignity are the same among people from different countries and beliefs. This is love and gratitude, faith and the desire to live in peace.
Within the “Angels of Peace” project, many activities take place: the art competition “Faces of the Angels of Peace”, the poetry competition “Poetry of the Angels of Peace”, the reading competition “Voices of the Angels of Peace”, exhibitions of tactile paintings with typholocomments for visually impaired people, exhibitions of children’s drawings “Angels of Peace - children", charity events. At the presentation, the winners of the competitions were awarded diplomas established by the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly.
“It is very interesting that the exhibition brings together both professional authors and amateurs,” noted the presentation guest, famous sculptor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Member of the Salon of French Artists Andrei Tyrtyshnikov, “but here “amateur” means about Love. A person who writes with love and you can really feel it!”
“I am one of those people who truly believe that beauty and kindness will save the world. I also believe that creativity and art can evoke delight in the soul, delight the heart and eyes - it gives a feeling of lightness and heals. The main thing is to feel, see the beauty around, see it in others and let goodness, warmth into your heart, although sometimes this is not at all easy - this is how we are built,” noted Natalya Zabolotskikh, Deputy Head of the General Secretariat of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, “Life often tests your strength. And this is a special art - not to plunge into darkness and the abyss, but to become a ray of light. Art is to live, create, see and be.”
An atmosphere of love, a single space of kindness and light reigned at the presentation of the rescued “Angels of Peace”. After a creative performance in front of guests by a young artiste in a wheelchair, the head of a foreign diplomatic mission secretly brushed away tears...