On September 24, in the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, the International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations "Eurasian Peoples' Assembly" and People's Diplomacy Center of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Uzbekistan signed a cooperation agreement.
The agreement was signed by the Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly Andrei Belyaninov and the director of People's Diplomacy Center of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Uzbekistan Kabuljon Sobirov.
The agreement is aimed at the implementation of interaction in:
- deepening partnerships between peoples of different countries;
- enhancing the role of public diplomacy to ensure trust and mutual understanding between states;
- development of international relations aimed at supporting public, state, peacemaking initiatives;
- joint implementation of socially significant programs, projects and cultural and educational events that promote peace, equality, good neighborliness;
- promoting multilateral relations in all spheres of public life in order to foster peace and security throughout the world.
For reference
Eurasian Peoples' Assembly
The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly is an international non-governmental organization aimed at forming a social integration model in the name of establishing peace and harmony through the development of multilateral cooperation and public (people's) diplomacy in the Eurasian space. The Assembly brings together representatives from more than 43 countries. The organization has concluded more than 120 partnership agreements in the field of culture, entrepreneurship, the development of integration ties between the peoples of Eurasia and public diplomacy. Website - http://eurasia-assembly.org
People's Diplomacy Center of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Uzbekistan
People's Diplomacy Center of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Uzbekistan is a non-governmental non-profit organization. Its founders are the Committee on Interethnic Relations and Friendly Relations with Foreign Countries under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports, the State Committee for Tourism Development, the Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Arts, Youth Union, Creative Union of Journalists and Union of Writers. The main tasks and areas of activity of the People's Diplomacy Center of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization are: assistance in strengthening mutual trust and good neighborliness, interethnic and interfaith harmony, the development of intercivilizational dialogue among the SCO countries; participation in expanding cultural and humanitarian ties with the SCO countries, organizing mutual visits of delegations; creating conditions for establishing a friendly atmosphere of interaction between civil society institutions, including youth and women's organizations of the SCO countries; assistance in the development of cooperation between the SCO countries in the information sphere, the formation of information resources and interaction with the media in order to broadly explain the goals, objectives, priorities and fundamental principles of the SCO, preparation and regular publication of information and analytical materials on the achievements of the SCO countries in the cultural and humanitarian sphere; application of public diplomacy tools in order to bring the SCO countries and their peoples closer together, to strengthen the spirit of mutual trust and good-neighborliness. Website - https://www.scocenter.uz/