Altai Club: A Philosopher's Answer to the Big Questions of Strategic Development

21/06/2024 18:44

Co-chairman of the General Council of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, Doctor of Philosophy, writer Alexandra Ochirova presented the most important report “Humanitarian modernization as an imperative for sustainable development of humanity” within the Third Altai Forum.

On June 21-22, the International Forum in Gorno-Altaisk, organized by the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, the Government of the Russian Federation and the State Assembly - El Kurultai of the Altai Republic, was held with the wide participation of diplomats, politicians and scientists from the CIS and Eurasian countries. The discussions and reports were devoted to research on the prospects of the Altai vector of development. Philosopher and politician Alexandra Ochirova approached her report even more broadly from the perspective of global civilizational development, socio-cultural indicators and issues related to different vectors of integration processes and conflicts. Emphasizing that in the world today, profound changes caused by globalization and the uneven social and economic significance of state foundations and fierce competition of management models that have been shaken in the face of the problems and challenges of modern civilization, have occurred and continue to increase.

“In this regard, there is every reason to say that new centers and forces of civilizational development have appeared and are emerging. If something has already collapsed, we need to keep in mind - everyone, politicians, scientists, all nations, and every individual - that this will be a complex and lengthy process. Long enough for difficult interactions between states and peoples with different cultures, goals and identities,” said Alexandra Ochirova.

Transformation awaits everyone without exception - all countries, cultures and peoples, where the problems of subjectivity, identity and selfhood of each individual person and the entire subjective, diverse development of humanity are also increasingly important. In this situation and with such an agenda, humanitarian modernization can play a special role. By ensuring sustainable and safe transitions of development areas, creating evidence-based negotiation dialogue platforms for accepting the imperatives of identity, subjectivity, continuity and integrity as strategic factors of civilized development.

“As a philosopher, I want to emphasize that these factors are forgotten. We sometimes hear them in a fragmented form in the speeches of our leaders, we welcome this, but scientists who have missed these topics in their movement lagging behind scientific and technological progress must take them up and consider everything that is happening in the world as it was done before.

The logic of pure reason from the very origins of ancient logic is not the most boring and certainly not outdated topic. It underlies the philosophy of humanism of the Age of Enlightenment and flowed into modernist philosophical schools, human and political ethics, opposite to the forms of global neo-humanism, where the basis is the idea of ​​the deprivation of subjectivity as a person, and all of humanity.”

As Alexandra Ochirova stated, no decisions will be objective and correct if they are not in the nature of methodologically conceptual humanitarian issues. They are all of a strategic nature; this is a necessity for modern self-developing global systems. Which, unfortunately, sometimes carry not only opportunities for development, but also have the prerequisites for self-destruction of both the human personality and the entire human civilization as a whole.

Today, civilization is filled with natural technological disasters, revolutions, and conflicts. What is very important, unfortunately, is the transformation of the ideological order, more oriented towards the concept of national exclusivity, towards fascism, towards terrorism, an incentive to obedience, subordination or even the destruction of entire people's states. On the other hand, humanity is in conditions of rapid development of scientific and technological progress. And the development strategies worked out during the almost endless wars in human history are here the opposite of the humanism of this progress of science and technology, which is present in all human activities.

This was developed at different stages of historical development, when a person analyzed each of his new steps and led to the formation of humanitarian categories: science, philosophy, culture, education - everything that formed the basis of personal and collective consciousness. It was on this humanitarian basis that the theme of unity, the reality of the unity, model and diversity of the world, its socio-cultural dynamics in all types of human activity, government structures and worldview support of people were ultimately determined. History, of course, has always been filled with wars and conflicts. But always these problems were nevertheless resolved with the help of governing decisions of law, law, religion and culture - these regulators always connected space and time.

“Today we need to understand that to one of the most important global problems that were voiced long ago by the Club of Rome, two more have been added. This is morality (and as an antithesis - immorality) and a very discussed topic - the problem of management. Unipolarity in a diverse and complex world is a systemic contradiction and, in my opinion, the most serious, highest threat. The world is very complex and diverse, as a source of development for the entire civilization, it cannot be controlled by a unipolar source.

In 2007, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin said at the Munich meeting that for the modern world such a model is not only unacceptable, but also completely impossible. All outstanding scientists dealing with the problems of digital development and systems problems, at their scientific sites and conferences, say that the focus of the search for development solutions should be based on the methods of humanism and religion.”

Humanism is what shaped a man. It was this approach that the humanities and philosophical systems were based on, but today man is lost in this new society and this speaks of his one-dimensional position. “The place of man” must be returned, because man truly is the measure of all things. The dehumanization of civilization is a very, very serious and dangerous process, or rather, it is still almost a trend. The weakening of the humanitarian paradigm is primarily due to the fact that dehumanization removes precisely that subjectivity that is necessary. In scientific journals, the balance between the human world and the natural world has become the hottest topic in the search for management strategies.

“I want to emphasize the main idea: humanism is the only way out of the instability of large socio-cultural systems. The transformation of existing global problems into priority goal-setting for development is the basis for the formation of a model of the future. I want to point out that the fall in spiritual values ​​is very dangerous. The loss of these values, as proven by science, even just their weakening, leads to a weakening of the possibilities for individual and collective action.”

We need to pay very serious attention to this: on the contrary, humanitarian modernization is aimed at a person, highlights from within all the priority goals for him and does not allow replacing them with anything else, being a preventive condition for the need to implement all other reforms.

“As for today’s forum, I think that these thoughts, perhaps boring at first glance, will not be a missed opportunity. This should also be discussed by scientists who have retained their status, but have lost the topics of their research. And they lost their responsibility, which should be familiar to those who make the decision, because the issue of the future elites is very serious.

This is a matter of public diplomacy, cultural diplomacy - the most serious issue. We must not forget and be fascinated by the capabilities of the third generation of cybernetics, which can solve problems. Decisions can only be made by a person - an educated, responsible and moral person. In order to return this to everyone and to the collective consciousness, to the planetary consciousness, it is important that man is and remains the main factor in our development, its goal.

As for Altai, it is certainly the ancestral home of the Turkic civilization - and not only the Turkic, but also the Indo-European civilization. Considering migration processes, I think scientists would confirm and find here the genes of our ancestors, which spread throughout the world,” this is how the philosopher, politician and public figure, Co-Chairman of the General Council of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly Alexandra Ochirova concluded her speech.