International project "Immortal Memory: Memorials and Monuments"

Project name: International project "Immortal Memory: Memorials and Monuments"

Project Leader: Ivan Ivanovich Agati, Deputy Head of the Military Heritage Institute

Organizer of the project: NGO "Institute of Military Heritage"

Supported by: Eurasian Peoples' Assembly

Venue and time: Eurasian space, indefinite

Project’s goal: to preserve the historical memory of the victims of the anti-Hitler coalition countries during the liberation of Europe from fascism.

Main objectives

  1. Combining the efforts of international public organizations and ordinary citizens of European countries to preserve the objects of historical and cultural heritage, to popularize the historical dates of the Second World War;
  2. Development of partnership mechanisms for all interested international actors (government, business, cultural authorities, education, public organizations, private initiatives) in order to preserve the military-historical heritage;
  3. Search and revival of historical and cultural monuments of Europe dedicated to memorable dates and victims of the Second World War.
  4. Attracting the general public attention to the problems of preserving the cultural and spiritual and moral environment, to the problems of interethnic interaction in preserving military-historical memory.
  5. Inclusion of all military memorial sites in the list of objects protected by the State and the most significant - in the list of objects protected by UNESCO.

Content of the project

Economic crises and global disintegration, attempts to destroy the global system of checks and balances and a multipolar world, social stratification of society, devaluation of spiritual values ​​have a negative impact on the public consciousness of most social and age groups of the population of Europe, what, in its turn, initiates attempts to distort and falsify the historical memory of the causes, processes and results of the greatest tragedy of the twentieth century - the Second World War. The project is aimed at preserving the memory of the victims of the anti-Hitler coalition countries and at countering attempts to distort the memory of the war.

1. Organizational stage

  • Search and discussion of the main sources of information about objects of military-historical heritage.
  • Conducting reconciliation with the Office of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the issue of accounting for military memorial sites on the territory of foreign states.
  • Development of technical specifications for the collection of information about the object of military-historical heritage.
  • Media appearances the goals, objectives and expected results of the project, organization of project presentations at various sites.

2. Working and research stage

  • Systematization of the collected information about objects of military-historical heritage in the territories of the anti-Hitler coalition countries:
  • Media appearances on the progress of the project, organization of presentations on the intermediate results of the project at various sites.
  • Monitoring the state of the military memorial facility.
  • Organization and holding of solemn and mourning events at military memorial sites to commemorate significant dates and events.

3. Stage of analysis and processing of information

  • Creation of a Register of military memorial sites in Europe and Asia.
  • Creation of an interactive map of Europe with icons of all objects of military-historical heritage.
  • Placement on an interactive map of links to relevant information material (photographs, historical references, descriptions of historical facts, copies of archival documents, lists of the dead and buried / reburied, videos about the object of military-historical heritage).
  • Media appearances on the results of the project, organization of presentations on the results of the project at various sites.

Contact information:

Project News:

Main Areas and Outcomes of the “Immortal Memory” International Megaproject presented in Bulgaria

Grateful Descendants - the 80th Anniversary of the Creation of the Fatherland Front of Bulgaria

Project of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly "Victory for All": Working Meetings in Bulgaria

International Information Agency "Russia Segodnya" presents the Project "Immortal Memory: Monuments and Memorials"

The Project "Immortal Memory: Memorials and Monuments" was presented in Bulgaria
