Project name: "HAPPINESS TO FLY"
Project leader: Volkova Marina Leonidovna - Ambassador of Peace, Associate Professor of the Public Relations Department of the Spanish-Russian Web Institute, the author of the method of socialization through the fairy tale "A fairy tale in each of us"
The main goal of the project:
- to help people experience the sensation of flying and bring new happy experiences into their lives.
Project objectives:
- to spread the idea that new, fresh, exhilarating sensations in life provide a lasting feeling of exaltation and happiness.
- to increase the percentage of happiness among children and adults through an active lifestyle.
- to help people begin to overcome their fears of the new and unknown.
- to form and maintain the idea that the decision to take a step into the sky or even just into a wind tunnel can open up completely new horizons.
Description of the project
From Space, it is very clearly visible how beautiful and fragile our world is. How small our planet is. The world's first cosmonaut, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, said: “Having flown around the Earth in a satellite ship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it. To become winged, one needs a desire to fly ...”
Paraphrased Gagarin's words can be considered as our paradigm:
"To become happy, one needs to strive for happiness!"
The state of flight is what a happy person feels. It may seem strange, but people are so used to suffering and surviving that they are already very scared to take the first step towards new horizons. It is like a parachute jump and it is not just an allegory. Having made their first step into the sky, many project participants begin to let the new, unknown into their lives much easier. Many of them completely change their lives and find happiness in every moment.
Duration of the project: April 20, 2021 - December 31, 2021 (with subsequent prolongation)
Project partners: Charitable Foundation "Give Blago to the World", Udmurt Regional Public Organization "Center for Support of Creative Initiatives Zhuraveinik +", Charitable Foundation "Give Love to the World"
Contacts: 125009 Moscow Bryusov lane, 11, building 1; +7 (495) 774-12-44, +7 (985) 212-00-25;,
The Happiness of Flying. On the Day of Cosmonautics – Interview with Cosmonaut Yuri Usachev