MUNSUZBAYEV Zhanat Toleukhanovich, founder of the Eurasian Financial Group, Member of the Presidium of the Eurasian Academy of Television and Radio (Republic of Kazakhstan)

DROBAKH Elena Nikolaevna - Head of the Committee for the Development and Support of Women's Entrepreneurship, President of the Foundation for Socio-Economic Development of Regions «FORAR».

ISKHAKOV Timur Vladimirovich, economist, member of EATP, author of the project "GTP" - Digital Economy, Development Director of the Eurasian Financial Group (EFG) (Uzbekistan)

PEEV Vitaliy Nikolaevich, economist, founder of SNC "PEEV & CO", Chairman of the Public Association "Immortal Regiment" in the Republic of Moldova (Moldova)

KAMALOV Ismail Maratovich, economist, entrepreneur, Commercial Director of «Prefect Partner Print» LLC (Russia)

KISHKINSKAYA Lyubov Igorevna, the Entrepreneurs Club "Terra" Manager, business breakfasts, training and educational event’s organizer.
- to promote enhanced mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation and create favorable conditions for the implementation of activities in the sphere of international trade, industrial cooperation, international investment cooperation, foreign exchange and financial credit operations on the Eurasian continent.
- providing professional assistance and support in the development and implementation of business projects in the sphere of international economic activity, including trade in goods, industrial cooperation, investments attraction, bank guarantees provision and other financial instruments to the member organizations and partners of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly;
- organization of communication platforms to attract a wide range of representatives of the business community, the expert community, scientific and educational organizations, authorities at all levels, members and partners of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly to discuss the development of economic integration on the Eurasian continent;
- interaction with public authorities of different countries, participation in the activities of public, Advisory and expert councils and committees established under them in order to represent and protect the legitimate interests of business;
- interaction with regional integration associations (EAEU, EU, SCO, BRICS, CIS) and other international institutions on economic integration in the Eurasian continent;
- interaction with producers of goods, specialized associations and associations, chambers of Commerce and industry and other organizations in order to obtain information necessary for the implementation of information, analytical and consulting support for enterprises engaged in international economic activities;
- international cooperation on the status and development of integration processes in the international economy on the Eurasian continent, including the organization of events for the exchange of experience on international economic activities.

Regulation on the Council for International Economic Activities