RUZIN Valery Davydovich, President of the Eurasian Academy of Television and Radio (Russia)

Nurnazarov Rakhim Klychevich, Director of FLAMPOWER GNR (Uzbekistan)

ISKHAKOV Vladimir Ilyasovich, vice-president of the Eurasian Academy of Television and Radio, professor of history (Uzbekistan)

KAIRBEKOV Bakhyt, President of the Kazakhfilm film studio (Kazakhstan)

POTEKHIN Alexander Vladislavovich, Director of the TASS-North-West Regional Information Center, Chairman of the Council of the Media Association of the North-West of Russia (Russia)
- Association of media industry professionals of the Eurasian continent, who create a space of mutual understanding, share the idea of cooperation and mutual respect in spite of political realities, national and confessional contradictions.
- All-round assistance to the development and strengthening of international cooperation in the media space of the Eurasian countries.
- Support for creative initiatives, projects and programs in the field of science and culture, education and enlightenment, initiated by the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly and developed by the Assembly Councils.
- Promoting the creation of a common open information space in Eurasia, intercultural communications, the establishment of strong partnerships and ties at the international level.
- Creation of an open creative platform for the work on consolidation and cooperation of peoples of Eurasia in the framework of joint film, television and IT projects, film and media forums, festivals, conferences and round table meetings.
- Formation of a portfolio of promising projects and programs that carry the ideas of Eurasian integration, common spiritual values, the basic principles of the organization of state, economic, social, spiritual, ethnic life of the continent, contributing to the unity of the peoples of Eurasia.
- Promotion of digitalization of the main functions of the Eurasian Economic Union, formation of creative bridges of interaction between representatives of science, culture, public and state structures.
- Preparation and release of print media reflecting the full range of activities of the Council implementing the tasks of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly.