First Winners and Prizewinners of the Bashkortostan Championship in Wrestling Grappling have been determined 22/09/2021 Representation in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia)
Memorial Complex of Gratitude to the Ancestors was opened near Novosibirsk on the International Day of Peace 22/09/2021 Spiritual Culture Council
Anatoly Karpov became a laureate of the “ENVOY OF AMITY” Eurasian Public Recognition Award 22/09/2021
Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly met with the rector of V.G. Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University 22/09/2021 International Education and Partnerships Committee
On the International Day of Peace, the UN Secretary General and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation conveyed Greetings to the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly 22/09/2021
"Streets of Our Heroes": Radmir Zabirov about Abuzar Nizaev Street (Ufa) 21/09/2021 Representation in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia)
"We shoot a Fairy Tale on a Smartphone": a Master Class by Alexei Yasulovich for EURASIA KIDS 20/09/2021
Representation of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly in Bashkortostan supported the International Barbecue Festival 20/09/2021 Representation in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia)
The Representative Office of the Assembly in Bashkortostan will partner with the BBQ Festival 15/09/2021 Representation in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia)
Silver Medalist of the Paralympics in Sochi Vladimir Kamantsev met with the Participants of the “Sunflower” Festival 15/09/2021
Andrey Nazarov greeted the participants of the VII Ufa International Marathon 14/09/2021 Representation in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia)
"Garden of Peace": Young Cedars were planted in Novosibirsk on the Alley of Gratitude to the Ancestors 13/09/2021 Spiritual Culture Council
Eurasian Peoples' Assembly and the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law signed an Agreement 10/09/2021
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Voronezh and Tambov Regions have joined the Memorandum of the “Our Future. New Faces" Project 10/09/2021 Council for Informatization and Digital Economy
Representatives of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly took part in the International Webinar on Science and Education 10/09/2021 International Education and Partnerships Committee
Eurasian Storytellers about their Vocation on the Eve of the XVI International Festival of Family Media Creativity "Sunflower" 07/09/2021
Issues of Prevention of Terrorism and Extremism discussed in Bashkortostan 03/09/2021 Representation in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia)
"Eurasia Today": a Meeting with Teachers and Schoolchildren in Novosibirsk 01/09/2021 Spiritual Culture Council
Orthodox Dictation in honor of the Remembrance Day of St. Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky | 11-16.09.2021 01/09/2021
International Arts Festival of the Cities of Military Glory "Road of Life" | 09/04/2021 31/08/2021 Representation in the Leningrad Region (Russia)
Member of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly appointed as a Service Commissioner of the National Social Initiative Headquarters in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia) 27/08/2021 Representation in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia)
The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly took part in Forums dedicated to the Urban Environment 27/08/2021 Council for Informatization and Digital Economy
"CIS + WORLD" continues to develop the "CIS + Croatia" Project 26/08/2021 The Council of the Eurasian Tourist Security
8th Session of the International Public Forum "Preserving the Memory" was held in Almaty 20/08/2021 Council for Cooperation in the Eurasian Media Space
Dreams, Ideas, Aims: Opportunities for Self-Realization of Young People in the Contemporary World 15/08/2021 Youth Assembly News
Andrey Belyaninov welcomed the Participants of the Round-table of the "Digital Evolution" Forum 14/08/2021 Council for Informatization and Digital Economy
Eurasian Peoples' Assembly signed a Multilateral Agreement in Digital Development and Youth Policy 13/08/2021 Council for Informatization and Digital Economy
The Nationwide Project: “Our Future. New faces" 13/08/2021 Council for Informatization and Digital Economy
Andrey Belyaninov highly appreciated the Role of Digital Diplomacy in International Cooperation 12/08/2021 Council for Informatization and Digital Economy
Round table "Key Factors of Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development of Regions" | 08/12/2021 05/08/2021 Council for Informatization and Digital Economy
TASS: Eurasian Peoples' Assembly will hold a Round Table on Global Digital Transformation 05/08/2021 Council for Informatization and Digital Economy
Round-table “Dreams, Ideas, Aims: opportunities for self-realisation of young people in contemporary world” | 12.08.2021 04/08/2021 Youth Assembly News
Monuments to Svyatoslav Roerich and Devika Rani were opened in the Park-Museum "ETNOMIR" 03/08/2021 Spiritual Culture Council Representative Office in Kaluga Region (Russia)
Member of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly was presented the "Cathedral of Memory" Recognition Award 03/08/2021
Cooperation Agreement signed by the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly and the Association of Foreign Graduates of Universities of the Central and Southern Regions of the Country "International Commonwealth" 01/08/2021
Eurasian Peoples' Assembly and the Council of Rectors of Higher Educational Institutions of the Belgorod Region signed an Agreement on Cooperation 01/08/2021
Andrey Nazarov: Eurasian Peoples' Assembly promotes Business Contacts 28/07/2021 Representation in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia)
The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly and the Association of Arab Universities signed a Cooperation Agreement 28/07/2021 International Education and Partnerships Committee
For the first time 80 Large Paintings of the "Angels of Peace" Art Project from 15 countries are presented in Ufa 23/07/2021 Representation in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia)
EURASDIA KIDS send Letters and Gifts to their Peers from different Countries 23/07/2021 Representative Office in the Republic of South Ossetia
"Marble Mile" - a Platform for Public Diplomacy 23/07/2021 Representative Office in Sverdlovsk Region (Russia)
Andrey Belyaninov honored the memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War during the liberation of Crimea 22/07/2021
All-Russian Forum "Digital Evolution" | 12-13.08.2021 21/07/2021 Council for Informatization and Digital Economy
On July 20, Valery Safonov and Natalya Kasperskaya had a Working Meeting 21/07/2021 Council for Informatization and Digital Economy
The Governor of the Voronezh Region (Russia) and the Chairman of the Council on Informatization and Digital Economy of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly held a working meeting 20/07/2021 Council for Informatization and Digital Economy
Eurasian Peoples' Assembly - General Partner of the IV World Restaurant Sport Championship | 24-26.09.2021 19/07/2021
7th Session of the International Public Forum "Preserving the Memory of the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War": "Protect the Memory of Victory" 16/07/2021 Council for Cooperation in the Eurasian Media Space
Russian Students’ First Report on their Internship in Spain 15/07/2021 International Education and Partnerships Committee
Andrey Belyaninov on the Dialogue of the EAEU Countries and Ways of Developing Eurasian Integration 14/07/2021
Russian Cultural Centers Abroad will share their Experience in International Space | July 16, 2021 14/07/2021
ARMENPRESS: «Վատ խաղաղությունը լավ պատերազմից լավ է». Անդրեյ Բելյանինովը՝ Հայաստանի և հետպատերազմյան իրավիճակի մասին 13/07/2021 Վատ խաղաղությունը լավ պատերազմից լավ է. ԵԺԱ գլխավոր քարտուղարը՝ Հայաստանի հարցով Պուտինի հայտարարության մասին 13/07/2021
TASS: Eurasian Peoples' Assembly entered a New Stage of Development 12/07/2021 Representative Office in the Republic of South Ossetia
Co-chairs of the International Union awarded Medals of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly for Contribution to Peace 11/07/2021
Eurasian Peoples' Assembly invited to participate in the World Conference on Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue 10/07/2021
Valentina Matvienko noted the Important Role of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly in the Development and Strengthening of the Eurasian Dialogue 09/07/2021
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation addressed Greeting to the Participants and Guests of the General Assembly and wished Fruitful Discussions 09/07/2021
Vladimir Putin sent a Greeting to the Participants of the General Eurasian Peoples' Assembly 09/07/2021
Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States addressed his Greetings to the organizers and participants of the General Assembly 09/07/2021
Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation addresses his greetings to the General Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly 08/07/2021
Greetings from Valery Gazzaev, Chairman of the Committee on Issues of Nationalities of the State Duma of the Russian Federation 07/07/2021
The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly held the First International Session "Eurasia - Dialogues about Happiness" 06/07/2021
Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Russian Federation will take part in the General Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly 03/07/2021
Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council of the federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Konstantin Kosachev met with Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly Andrei Belyaninov 01/07/2021
The Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly and the Association of Lawyers of Russia signed Cooperation Agreement 29/06/2021
Outcomes of the XII International IT Forum with the participation of the BRICS and SCO countries 23/06/2021 Council for Informatization and Digital Economy
The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly and the University of Cadiz determined the Winners of the Competition 21/06/2021 International Education and Partnerships Committee
Clean Air of Tourism. Who lives well in the village… 17/06/2021 The Council of the Eurasian Tourist Security
Ingushetia summed up the Results of the Qualifying Round of the International Festival-competition of Patriotic Songs "Red Carnation" 17/06/2021 Council of Composers and Musicians
IT Forum in Ugra: Creation of a Single Digital Platform for the Countries of Eurasia 16/06/2021 Council for Informatization and Digital Economy
An Agreement on Cooperation was signed between the Government of Ugra and the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly 15/06/2021
Eurasian Peoples' Assembly announces a competition to select students to study in Spain 15/06/2021 International Education and Partnerships Committee
UGRA-NEWS: Ugra and Eurasian Countries will strengthen Business Ties 11/06/2021 Council for Informatization and Digital Economy
Eurasian Peoples' Assembly launches a Project «Our Future» 11/06/2021 Council for Informatization and Digital Economy
The Council for Informatization and Digital Economy of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly (brand digital.AHE) at the Digital Ecology Forum 11/06/2021 Council for Informatization and Digital Economy
Chelyabinsk hosted the International Forum "Russia-Uzbekistan: from Mutually Beneficial Partnership to an Alliance Strategy" 10/06/2021
International Poetry Contest “Poetry of Angels of Peace”. Applications are accepted until July 31 09/06/2021
Online marathon timed to coincide with the International Russian Language Day | 08.06.2021 06/06/2021 Council for International Cultural Cooperation
The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Ministry of Digital Development of the Kaluga Region and the Roscongress Foundation 06/06/2021 Council for Informatization and Digital Economy
What is Childhood? Tell me in One Word 03/06/2021 Representative Office in the Republic of South Ossetia
Video Premiere “Happiness does exist!” will take place on June 1 as part of the Open Lesson “Happy Childhood in Eurasia” 01/06/2021
Children's Day: Open Lesson "Happy Childhood in Eurasia" 01/06/2021 Representative Office in the Republic of South Ossetia
Secretary General Wishes Happy Birthday to Yuri Katznelson 29/05/2021 Council of Bakers and Confectioners
International Action “Garden of Peace”. 20 New Icons indicating Planted Trees appeared on the Map of the “Garden of Memory” 28/05/2021
The Department of Happiness and the EURASIA KIDS Project took part in the first All-Russian Forum "Happy Cities" 28/05/2021 Representative Office in the Republic of South Ossetia
Marina Minina: the Arctic-2021 Summit attracts Young People by the Consolidation of Science, Government and Business 27/05/2021 Arctic Council
“Tell me about your Homeland” Project. Eurasian School of Young Guide presented at the International Cultural Forum in Moscow 27/05/2021
Flyur Asadullin received the Award of the Commissioner Entrepreneurs’ Rights under the President of the Russian Federation 26/05/2021 Representation in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia)
Members of the Public Council of the Representation of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly in the Republic of Bashkortostan take part in the “Entrepreneurship Week” 26/05/2021 Representation in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia)
Moscow City Government House hosted a meeting dedicated to the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture 24/05/2021
Textbook on Journalism for the Blind presented at the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference 24/05/2021
The Saratov Region hosted a Series of Events CIS+WORLD on Sports Tourism 24/05/2021 The Council of the Eurasian Tourist Security
API: Evgeny Kuyvashev discussed further cooperation with the Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly 21/05/2021 Representative Office in Sverdlovsk Region (Russia)
Delegation of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly laid the Foundation for a Unique art Object "Circle of Peace" in the Sverdlovsk Region 21/05/2021 Representative Office in Sverdlovsk Region (Russia)
Independent Dialogue "Different Routes, Similar Goals" supported the UN Food Systems Summit 21/05/2021
Clean Air Forum will take place on June 17 around the World! 19/05/2021 The Council of the Eurasian Tourist Security
First International Forum “Culture. Tourism. Education. Synergy of Interaction in the Professional Space ”| May 21, 2021 19/05/2021 The Council for the Development of Ethno-tourism
The Assembly Congress included in the Action Plan of the Republic of Bashkortostan 19/05/2021 Representation in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia)
"Russian House" in Verona: Victory Day united Representatives of the Peoples of the former Soviet Republics 12/05/2021
EURASIA KIDS: Difficult Happiness of the Great Victory 09/05/2021 Representative Office in the Republic of South Ossetia
The Way the Peoples of Eurasia support and preserve the World of Victory 07/05/2021 The Council of the Eurasian Tourist Security