The historical hour “The feat of Leningrad - in memory forever!”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the complete liberation of the city from the fascist blockade, was held in the Russian House in Ulaanbaatar. During the event, students of Russian-language schools in Ulaanbaatar and the Zavkhan Aimag (region) learned little-known facts about the blockade of the city on the Neva.
The event started with a quiz. For each correct answer, the students received a book as a gift.
The military attaché of the Russian Federation in Mongolia, Pavel Petrunin, gave a speech to the participants: “Many buildings in St. Petersburg still bear traces of bomb fragments. It is important for us to preserve the memory of the tragic events of the Great Patriotic War in society and pass on knowledge about the heroic pages of history to new generations,” - he said.
Krasnoyarsk historian Lyudmila Mezit, in turn, presented a presentation “From the banks of the Neva to the banks of the Yenisei.” She told little-known facts about the evacuation of Leningrad enterprises, nurseries and orphanages to Krasnoyarsk, and also showed photographs of the events of those days. The presentation was especially noted by representatives of the Russian-Mongolian Friendship Society and the Mongolian NGO “Friends of Novorossiya”.
Yuri Palamarchuk, Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, Head of the Representative Office of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly in the Leningrad Region, made a video message to the participants: “We are implementing the project “Twin Cities-Winners. We will not allow history to be rewritten” for the upcoming 85th anniversary of the victory of Soviet and Mongolian troops at Khalkhin Gol,” noted Yuri Anatolyevich. An agreement between the USSR, the Mongolian People's Republic and Japan to eliminate the conflict on the Khalkhin Gol River was signed on September 15, 1939. According to the document, on September 16, 1939, hostilities ceased, and a special commission was set up to establish the borders of the MNR and Manchuria.
The historical hour “The feat of Leningrad - in memory forever!”, held in the Russian House in Ulaanbaatar, ended with the premiere of the Russian feature film “Siege Diary”.
Based on media materials