The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly launches a series of webinars on rural development. Online events will continue the implementation of the project "Heritage of Eurasia: Cultural Practices of Rural Areas", supported by a grant from the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives in 2022.
Their main goal is to draw the attention of the project participants to new approaches in organizing cultural practices in rural areas, to identify sustainable development goals for solving the socio-cultural problems of local communities, and to analyze the social, environmental and economic resources of rural areas to achieve project results.
As part of the "Hub of Ideas" webinars, participants will be able to finalize their initiatives developed during the educational tour "Heritage of Eurasia: Cultural Practices of Rural Areas" (June 1-5, 2022, Sharkan village).
In total, three online meetings were planned, the first of which was already held on July 16 and was devoted to the application of sociocultural practices for the sustainable development of rural areas.
The next meetings will be held on July 23 and 30 at 09:00 (Moscow time) and will be devoted to financial stability and media support of projects.
Access for workshops will be open, so anyone can connect and take part at the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82969617543