On December 19, Ufa will host the Tomato Festival on promoting a culture of learning soft skills (personal skills). The theme of the festival is “How to keep moving towards your goals in the reality of stress”. Representation of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia) is the partner of the festival.
The event consists of two parts. During the first part, five speakers who have achieved some success in the field of culture, business, government, commerce and sports will speak to the participants. The second part of the event is a soft skills workshop that will be held by the certified coaches and business mentors Zulfiya Khalikova and Yevgeny Mironov.
Participants will receive answers to the following questions:
- how to make a charged battery out of your brain to keep moving towards your goals;
- how to turn on joy and turn off burnout and help yourself to carry out plans in stress;
- how to read emotions and increase trust due to “mirror” neurons.
The event will be held in compliance with all sanitary safety rules for an audience of no more than 50 people.
You can find out more details and apply on the website: https://tomatofestival.tilda.ws/