Dear friends, citizens of a great country - the Russian Federation!
This coming Sunday 17 March 2024 will be the third final day of voting in the Russian presidential election.
For all citizens of Russia - both young people and people of the older generation - this is a milestone historical moment, when we will cast our vote for the one who, in real time, without the right to rest, is literally saving all of humanity from the looming catastrophe into which the world is being drawn by forces that have surprisingly quickly and conveniently forgotten to whom they owe their salvation from the brown plague and enslavement. We will cast our votes for the leader of the nation, who consistently and confidently leads Russia and its allies to a new historic Victory and common prosperity!
The goal of the International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations "Eurasian Peoples' Assembly" is the formation of social integration in the name of promoting peace and harmony, through the development of multilateral cooperation and public (people's) diplomacy. In the context of the formation of a multipolar world, this is one of the most important tasks.
The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, building bridges of friendship and cooperation in the Eurasian space, the space of African and Latin American countries, feels the tremendous support of our partners in the current situation of Russia and its leader. The international community, which looks with open eyes at the processes taking place in the world, undoubtedly shares the position of the Russian Federation in its approach to the formation of an architecture of world order that reflects the balance of interests of all countries, in defending traditional family, spiritual and moral values, as well as national traditions, history and culture.
The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, reflecting the interests of international non-governmental organizations advocates the manifestation of civic position of compatriots in the Russian Federation and other countries and calls for mandatory participation in the elections of the head of state on 17 March 2024!
Today, everyone has the opportunity to make a contribution to shaping the future not only of Russia, but also of the entire world. We have made our choice and express our boundless trust in the leader of the Russian Federation, and we will demonstrate this during the elections.
This will be a choice in the name of the unity of peoples, regardless of gender, race, nationality, religion, to strengthen harmony and unity in the Eurasian space.