The International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations "The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly" is a multi-tasking important tool of public diplomacy and a communication platform for civil society institutions. The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly introduces new formats of interaction. On July 21, 2022, a round table "Fundraising of the New Time" was held. The initiative to hold the event was expressed by members of the Coordinating Committee of the Specialized councils of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly headed by the Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly Andrey Belyaninov.
In his greeting to the participants, the Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly Andrey Belyaninov said:
"Resources" is not synonymous with "money". This definition is not only material values, but the concept is much broader. This is literally all that can be used to achieve a result.”
The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly implements projects in a wide variety of areas and supports the initiatives of the members of the organization. These initiatives are international in nature and are aimed at harmonizing relations between people living on different continents. The humanitarian project EURASIA KIDS, the International Public Forum "Preserving the Memory of the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War", the International Art Project "ANGELS OF PEACE", the International Cartoon Competition "Eurasia" - the list of initiatives and projects of the Assembly is large and is constantly updated.
The participants of the round table discussed partnership projects, partnership goals, the effectiveness of cooperation and possible risks, and also spoke about the need to support those initiatives proposed by activists of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, members of its 22 specialized councils, representative offices and partners.
The issues of the specifics of filing applications for the competition of the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives (PFCI) were considered. Igor Sobolev, First Deputy General Director of the Foundation, spoke about them. He also noted that in the first year of its existence, the foundation provided grant support for 3.5 billion rubles, and in 2022 the amount of support was increased to 8 billion rubles. All projects participating in the PFCI competition undergo a rigorous expert selection, while the foundation tries to minimize the formal component, giving time and advice on how to correct errors in the application process.
Irina Menshenina, Executive Director of the Association of Fundraisers, spoke about fundraising as an attraction of third-party resources for the implementation of projects and support for current (operational) activities, emphasizing that fundraising is primarily an investment of funds and effort. Without initial capital and competent, thoughtful campaigning, it will not be possible to interest other people in your project.
Ekaterina Kuznetsova, Leading Consultant at Charity Solutions Consulting, in her speech shared the variety of fundraising platform tools in illustrative examples of working with them.
Natalya Ignatenko, PR director of the Planeta.ru crowdfunding platform, noted that a grant application often requires project co-financing, and a crowdfunding platform can act as this tool. This will be a good opportunity to test your idea for viability - attracting the attention of "crowd funding".
The event was moderated by Elmira Shcherbakova, President of the Peace and Harmony Foundation for Social Initiatives, Chairman of the Council for International Cultural Cooperation of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly.
The round table provided an opportunity for a broad exchange of views on the main issues of improving and attracting resource support for project activities and the organization as a whole, associated with goals and a special approach in all areas of development.