MAKHACHKALA, December 6 - RIA "Dagestan". Today, the Palais des Nations in Geneva hosts a Round Table "Russia's Regions and the UN Sustainable Development Goals".
Dagestan is represented at the event by the assistant to the Head of the Kizlyar brandy factory Zubair Omarov, public relations manager Shamil Mukhumaev.
The press service of the cognac factory informed the news agency that this is the first event of the international project Geneva Readings, organized by the “Cultural Season” Charitable Foundation, the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN Office in Geneva, the International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations "Eurasian Peoples' Assembly" and the Russian Association for the Promotion of the United Nations.
“The program “Russian Regions and Sustainable Development Goals” has been implemented by the Russian Association for the Assistance of the United Nations with the support of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 2009. This is a unique project that creates a precedent for "counter movement", when not only organizations, but also representatives of the UN system form an international opinion on the situation in Russian regions, and Russian regions come up with initiatives in the global dimension and can shape international politics," - the message says.