Two hundred and fifty eight million people speak Russian. It is the eighth most common language in the world. Such statistics were given by the rector of the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, member of the Russian Language Council under the President of the Russian Federation, member of the Government Commission on the Russian Language Margarita Rusetskaya at the International Online Forum "Linguistic Diversity as the Basis for the Ethno cultural Identity of the Peoples of Eurasia".
Rusetskaya added that the Russian language is in seventh place in the world in terms of the number of media published in it. By the amount of information on the Internet, the Russian language is in 10th place; however, Russian comes second after English in terms of the number of sites.
The rector of the State Russian Language Institute also stated that in the near future they would develop an index of the status of the Russian language in the world. Updated information will be posted regularly.
The Forum "Linguistic Diversity as a Basis for the Ethno Cultural Identity of the Peoples of Eurasia" was organized by the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly.