ANO "Laboratory of Digital Transformation" (LDT), established by the International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations "Eurasian Peoples' Assembly", will hold practical seminars for regional executive authorities in 26 constituent entities of Russia by July 1, 2024. The training is aimed at implementing the strategy of the national project “National Data Economy”. This work of the Laboratory of Digital Transformation will be carried out as part of the signed agreements on joint activities with the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
The goal of the “National Data Economy” project is to transfer the entire economy, social sphere, and government authorities to new operating principles, introduce data-based management, and reach a new level in logistics, telemedicine, online education, and the provision of public services.
The purpose of the training is to prepare a list of priority areas and develop passports of methods for calculating industry performance indicators in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, discuss and resolve issues of developing the necessary methodologies for working with data, approaches to identifying positive effects in the digitalization of public administration, by creating a data-based management ecosystem, defining a regulatory framework and standards, support measures and technologies of the digital sphere.
Audience of the seminars: heads of line ministries, heads of digital transformation and line departments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Leaders of regional decision-making.
At the end of 2023, on December 15, 2023, LDT has already held seminars in Russian regions for representatives of industry departments and a general seminar for Heads of digital transformation and Ministers of digital development of 34 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
Seminars can be held with the participation of representatives of the business community aimed at developing approaches to working with data and artificial intelligence.