The KOLBA project - a forum and award for women scientists and specialists from various professional fields of activity is being implemented with the information partnership of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly and the support of the Foundation for Professional Initiatives “Women in the Nuclear Industry”. The forum will take place on April 19, 2024 at the V.G. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
The main mission of the project is to popularize science in Russia, form role models for future generations, highlight scientific achievements and developments, exchange experience and knowledge, as well as create a strong intellectual community and personnel reserve in the country.
The KOLBA Award will be presented in the following categories: Industry, Technology, Popularizers in Science, Medicine, Economics and Finance, Education, Biology, Ecology, Physics, Sociology, “Chemistry”, “Nanotechnology”, “Scientific Journalism”, “Creative Entrepreneurship”, “State and Municipal Administration”, “Jurisprudence”, “Mineralogy”, “Science without Borders”. Special nominations have also been defined: “Women Arctic Scientists” and “Jewelry Making”.
Each prize winner receives a valuable prize - a distinctive sign “Flask”, inlaid with a precious stone, publication of a personal interview with one of the project’s media partners (magazine “Perspective”, “Bulletin of Education”, “Machines and Mechanisms”, “Desinger from Russia”), an individual mentoring session from the Expert and Trustees of the award, the almanac “Flask” in Russian and English.
The forum will include a plenary session “The modern image of a scientist” and sections on the topics: “Soft & Hard Skills”, “Career opportunities for scientists”, “Innovation and artificial intelligence”, “Communication as a tool of the modern world”, “Patronage in science”, “Business and science - growth impulses.”
In 2023, more than 240 applications were submitted for the KOLBA Award from 60 cities in Russia and four CIS countries: Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek), Tajikistan (Dushanbe), Uzbekistan (Bukhara, Tashkent, Namangan), Kazakhstan (Alma-Ata). Foreign participants were represented in the special category “Science without Borders”.
Applications for participation in the KOLBA Award Forum are accepted until February 29, 2024: https://forms.gle/Kw1nDNsaK33SkwP48
Registration: https://leader-id.ru/events/442386