International Mother Language Day established at the initiative of UNESCO in 2000 has been celebrated on February 21 around the world. As part of its mandate for peace, UNESCO has been very active in the preservation of cultural diversity for the development of all peoples.
On the eve of the International Mother Language Day, the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, together with the Assembly of the Peoples of Russia, held an online forum “Linguistic diversity as the basis of the ethno cultural identity of the peoples of Eurasia”. The forum was held under the auspices of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO with the participation of UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Alexandra Ochirova.
The purpose of the forum is to promote the preservation of multilingualism, the cultural identity of all peoples and ethnic communities, and the expansion of linguistic and intercultural communication. Among the issues discussed: the role of language as the basis of the culture and traditions of each people; experience in studying and preserving native languages in the countries of Eurasia; the role of scientific and public organizations in the preservation and development of languages.
Forum moderator Irina Kraeva, Candidate of Philology, Rector of Moscow State Linguistic University, opening the forum, noted:
“Languages are the main means of communicative integration in the Eurasian space. Language is the bearer of images, ideas, concepts, identity, symbols, myths, texts, the narrative of the Eurasian civilization... We are similar, but each ethnic group is original. And the role of language professionals in preserving this identity can hardly be overestimated.”
Vladimir Zorin, a member of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Interethnic Relations of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Commission for the Harmonization of Interethnic and Interreligious Relations of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, addressed the participants with a welcoming speech, expressing confidence that “the forum, held on the eve of International Mother Language Day, will give a good start of all activities in this area, and most importantly, will help focus the attention of the public, scientific institutions, and authorities on solving the most important problems of preserving and developing the native languages of the peoples of our country.”
Alexandra Ochirova, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, Co-Chair of the General Council of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, made a presentation on “Epistemological and ontological aspects of language in the socio-cultural dynamics of modern civilization”. She conveyed greetings from Grigory Ordzhonikidze, Executive Secretary of the Russian Federation Commission for UNESCO, in particular, said:
“UNESCO calls on all countries and peoples to preserve linguistic diversity, as well as to activate the education of children in their native languages. This contributes to the additional development of abilities, the integration of identity formation processes and, most importantly, the development of personal, or human, potential.”
Svetlana Smirnova, First Deputy Secretary General - Head of the General Secretariat of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, Chairman of the Council of the Assembly of Peoples of Russia, noted in her speech the importance of joint efforts:
“I thank all the participants for supporting our initiative and I am sure that by united efforts we will be able to defend the preservation of moral traditions for the future, ethno-cultural and linguistic identity of our peoples and pass on this rich experience and knowledge to the next generations.”
“Of course, each language is important and the preservation of each language is significant,” –Margarita Rusetskaya, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Rector of the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, highlighted the importance of analytics and statistics in her speech. - If we talk about the club of big languages, to which Russian belongs, then each of them is characterized by its own system of support, promotion, learning of this language. That includes, first of all, the national language institute, which monitors the state of the language around the world and makes decisions taking into account identified trends.”
Zhibek Syzdykova, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Central Asian and Caucasian Countries of the ISAA Moscow Lomonosov State University:
“Many researchers believe that language is one of the most important basic elements and ethnic identification can occur when a person has his own language, which he often speaks from childhood. Language is also the foundation for the formation of national identity, because it is the language a person receives the most complete expression of his foundations from."
Natalya Lapteva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Rector of the Minsk State Linguistic University, gave a report on the implementation of the language policy in the Republic of Belarus at the present stage. She focused on the similarities in the positions of the round table participants:
“We are in tune with a number of positions that we’ve heard in the speeches of M.N. Rusetskaya, Zh.S. Syzdykova. A significant part of our population, considers two languages as mother tongues. At the same time, it is gratifying to see that the Belarusian language is steadily expanding in its use as a language of communication.”
Kanat Sadykov, Ph.D. in Philology, Rector of the Kyrgyz National University named after Zhusup Balasagyn, focused on the ethnic picture of the world in the translations of folk tales. He suggested paying special attention to the importance of translating the epic into Russian:
“In Greater Eurasia, it is translations that contribute to the acquaintance of representatives of various ethnic cultures with each other, with the picture of the world as a whole. They can serve as an important mechanism for discovering a new or different ethnic worldview.”
The co-speakers on the topic "The Russian language as the basis of the intercultural dialogue of the peoples of the CIS and neighboring countries" were Zhenishkul Khulkhachieva, Associate Professor, Candidate of Philology, Head of the Department of Languages and Cultures of the CIS and Neighboring Countries of the Moscow State Linguistic University, and Assol Ovsyannikova, Director of the Center for Ukrainian Studies of the Moscow State Linguistic University:
“Today we again return to the understanding that the Russian language is simply necessary for interethnic communication and mutual understanding, because everyone knows and understands it. Especially, since most of the CIS countries are multinational.”
A segment of speeches devoted to the implementation of language projects was presented by members of the Assembly of the Peoples of Russia and the Resource Center in the sphere of national relations for the preservation and promotion of the native languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation. Evgenia Mikhaleva, co-chair of the Council of the Assembly of Peoples of Russia, director of the Resource Center in the sphere of national relations, made presentations of the projects “Every language existing in it ...”, “Visiting native speakers” and others; Aleksey Kozlov, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, School of Linguistics, National Research University Higher School of Economics; Anzhelika Zasiadko, head of the press service of the Resource Center in the sphere of national relations; Evgenia Takarakova, Candidate of Cultural Studies, an expert on the culture of the Turkic peoples of the Center for the Culture of the Peoples of Russia after Polenov; Oksana Belkina, Chairman of the Youth Council at the Volga Center of Finno-Ugric Cultures, radio host, ethno-blogger; Elena Lomshina, Chairman of the All-Russian Public Organization "Assembly of the Peoples of Russia", Head of the Research Laboratory of Finno-Ugric Culture of the N.P. Ogarev Moscow State University.”, candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor; Oksana Afinogenova, head of the Buryat national-cultural autonomy "Khargana", chief specialist of the information and methodological support department of the regional state public institution "Resource Center for Support of Non-Profit Organizations of the Irkutsk Region".
Svetlana Safa (Lebanon), a member of the Regional Coordinating Council for Africa and the Middle East spoke about the role of social and creative projects of Russian-speaking youth abroad, implemented in the native languages of the country of residence:
“The basis of ethno cultural identity is how and who we perceive ourselves in the world. We study the languages and cultures of different countries to help understand each other, and we also convey the culture of Russia in these languages. This is how the process of mutual understanding, creation of respect, love, trust of peoples towards each other takes place.”
Elena Demesheva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, teacher at the Faculty of Philology and Humanities of the Lebanese State University, a member of the Lebanese Society of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature spoke about the need to take into account the specifics of the native language of Lebanese students in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language. In her study, she clearly showed how Lebanese students are Arabic-speaking and what language is considered their mother tongue.
Elizaveta Khamraeva, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Department of Linguistics and Bilingualism of Russian as a Foreign Language and Bilingualism, Moscow Pedagogical State University, Scientific Supervisor of the Center for Bilingual and Multicultural Education of the Russian the Herzen State Pedagogical University, presented her long-term project "Grandmother's Tales" and spoke about the creation of a socio-cultural environment in order to preserve the native language in childhood.
“There are languages that require close attention. Today, the generation of residents of Gorny Altai (infancy to 50 years of age) don’t know either their native language or the Altai language. Activists do a lot to save their language. But the problem remains,” said Surna Sarbasheva, Dean of the Faculty of Altaic and Turkic Studies of the Gorno-Altai State University, in her speech.
Elmira Samokhina, Member of the Board of the Idea Social Activity Foundation, shared her experience in implementing several international projects “On the Way of AzBuka”, “Marble Mile. Identity Forum”, emphasizing their purpose:
“Enrich oneself, his personal potential and at the same time build a dialogue and mutual understanding with other peoples through the language, understanding the language and culture of another people.”
Summing up the forum, Svetlana Smirnova emphasized that the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly is open to a broad dialogue with everyone who shares the ideas of harmonious interaction, coordination and complementarity of the efforts of state and non-state organizations in maintaining peace and strengthening friendship between the peoples of the countries of Eurasia. The Assembly will continue to develop the theme of linguistic diversity and is ready to hold similar forums in other countries.