“We say THANK YOU”- an International Action starts with the support of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly.
In the language of every nation, words of gratitude ("thank you", "thank You", "merci”...) have a special meaning. In Russian, the words "THANK YOU" also carry a sacred meaning, since they come from the wish "God save you!"
We say these words many times every day. We address them to relatives, colleagues, friends; we thank for a good deed or pronounce it as a courtesy formula.
But there are people among us to whom we want to say "THANK YOU" by whole world! Those who make scientific discoveries, create works of art, set records, conquer space. Whose creative energy and public service make an invaluable contribution to the development of international, interethnic and interfaith dialogue and harmony on the planet Earth.
On behalf of all the peoples of Eurasia, we are going to tell them our heartfelt "THANK YOU", supported by letters of public recognition.
We will introduce these amazing people - laureates of the International Action “We say THANK YOU!” creators and devotees to our friends and partners on the website of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee / Head of the project "International Action “We say THANK YOU" - Anatoly Ivanovich Pavlov, member of the General Council of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, Chairman of the Sverdlovsk regional branch of the All-Russian Council of Local Self-Government.
Coordinator of the International Action "We say THANK YOU"- Tatyana Vladimirovna Gorkunova, member of the Union of Russian Writers, expert of the Department for Cultural and Humanitarian Cooperation of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly (+ 7-912-26-35-991, gorkunova@eurasia-assembly.org)