On February 9, First Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly Svetlana Smirnova met with the Deputy for Cooperation of the Indian Importers Chambers of Commerce and Industries (IICCI) Anna Rogovskaya.
In particular, the meeting reached the agreements on the participation of India’s representatives in the Assembly events (expert roundtable meeting and creative online marathon), timed to coincide with UNESCO's International Mother Language Day on February 21. In addition, the parties discussed the participation of Indian sculptors in the annual art festival “Marble Mile”. The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly is a partner of the festival.
The online meeting was organized on the initiative of Nikolai Vavilov, Deputy Head of the General Secretariat for Youth Cooperation.
Discussing the Assembly youth projects, Anna Rogovskaya expressed interest in further interaction with members of the Coordination Council of the Eurasian Youth Assembly (the Coordination Council includes members from 14 countries), as well as in participation and assistance in the implementation of current projects of Eurasian youth.
The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly
The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly is an international non-governmental organization aimed at forming a social integration model in the name of establishing peace and harmony through the development of multilateral cooperation and public (people's) diplomacy in the Eurasian space. Currently, the Assembly brings together representatives from over 40 countries. The Assembly has signed 98 agreements with partners in various fields of activity: culture, entrepreneurship, the development of integration ties between the peoples of Eurasia, public diplomacy. The site is eurasia-assembly.org.
The Eurasian Youth Assembly
The main goal of the Eurasian Youth Assembly is to unite the youth of Eurasian countries (individuals and legal entities) to represent and protect common interests, achieve socially useful goals in the development of integration processes on the Eurasian continent, form a system of great partnership of the peoples of Eurasia in the name of common spiritual and moral principles of peace and harmony in the Eurasian space through public (people's) diplomacy, culture, science, education and entrepreneurship. Website - eurasia-assembly.org/ru/rubriki/molodezhnaya-assambleya.
Indian Importers Chambers of Commerce and Industries (IICCI) is a Non Profitable All India Body, entirely to look after the interest / solving of numerous problems with the ministries of Commerce, Finance, Customs, Reserve Bank of India, Ministry of External Affairs of all the importers mainly located in India. https://www.indianimporterschambers.com.