On June 25 - 28, Gorno-Altaisk will host the III International Altai Forum 2024 “Altai vector of Eurasian integration: in the interests of strengthening interethnic and interreligious harmony.” The team of the Forum organizers of - members of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly and the Government of the Altai Territory - began preparing the discussion platform with the support of the Presidential Grants Foundation.
The forum will contribute to the transformation of the Altai region into a dynamic Eurasian center of influence and will expand the areas of international interaction of the Altai Republic established by the previous two forums. Through the discussion platform, international participants from Eurasian political circles, business communities and leaders of civil associations will be able to establish broad interaction.
Alexandra Ochirova, poet, Co-Chairman of the General Council of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, member of the State Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, noted that the work of such discussion platforms with the invitation of eminent figures from many countries of the world makes an important contribution to the search for solutions to contemporary problems:
“Personally, I put into the dialogue of the Altai Forum all the thoughts that have come to me for many, many years, after observing and comprehending what is being done around me - after certain landmark events that have taken place in our country and in the world. I can say that all these development opportunities and risks have not been fully understood by those people who should professionally comprehend and propose ways out of the created situations, those challenges, risks and threats. It is necessary for the solutions to be strategic in nature.
Today it can be said that the scientific and technological process is largely ahead of humanitarian development. And today, the qualities developed by man in relation to his own self, his personal potential are lost. Therefore, we can say that the most characteristic feature of the modern world is a spiritual and moral crisis. And if you notice, it always begins earlier than the financial and economic one.
One of the most serious problems is the problem of human identity. We are talking about civic identity, about national-cultural identity, but there is still one type of identity that is under threat. It is the identity as such of that human self, of that breed, that he can lose.
Crisis has always accompanied the change of civilizations. It has always been associated with a loss of meaning, which destroyed statehood, civilization, and was destroying the human personality from the inside out. Today is no exception. How to return these values? This is what will be discussed at this forum.”
The III International Altai Forum will be aimed at promoting interethnic and interfaith harmony. To simultaneously strengthen the all-Russian civic identity, paying special attention to the active involvement of non-governmental organizations in solving modern problems related to human security, humanitarian modernization and the progress of various ethnocultural communities in the Eurasian sphere.