On April 23, 2024, Moscow will host the General Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly - the General Meeting of all Assembly members, which is the Supreme body of the International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations "Eurasian Peoples' Assembly". Today the Assembly has hundreds of members of non-governmental organizations in 53 countries around the world. The meeting will be held in a hybrid format (offline/online).
In the modern conditions of the formation of a multipolar world, the tasks of multi-vector public diplomacy are increasingly expanding. Its role is to capture new trends in uniting peoples, actively develop diplomatic relations, and strengthen multilateral cooperation at the international level.
According to the charter, the General Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly is held once every four years, but the meeting on April 23, 2024 is extraordinary: the key point on the agenda will be one of the most important points that determines the modern vector of development and expansion of international relations: in accordance with the wishes of the representatives of African countries, the issue of changing the name of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly to the Eurasian and African Peoples’ Assembly will be put to a vote of the Assembly members.
Public diplomacy in the modern conditions of the emerging multipolar world increasingly promotes the consolidation of social forces and all participants in the international community, plays a significant role in ensuring trust and mutual understanding between states and peoples.
Today, the international community, as an important unifying resource, faces serious challenges to intensify integration processes and search for new models of cooperation in the countries of Greater Eurasia. All these issues will be discussed at the General Assembly.
During the period between the General Assemblies, the collegial executive body of the organization that implements the assigned tasks is the General Council. The Assembly General Council includes well-known public figures from 33 countries of Greater Eurasia.
The organization's development strategy takes into account, among other things, the expert opinion of the Supreme Advisory Council of the Assembly. It includes authoritative personalities from around the world, in particular - Sergey Glazyev, member of the Board (Minister) for Integration and Macroeconomics of the EEC; Grigory Karasin, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs; Mikhail Khazin, public figure and economist, head of the well-known Eurasian Economic Research Foundation; Rashid Alimov, Professor of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Taihe Institute (China), former Secretary General of the SCO, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary; Almambet Matubraimov, Chairman of the Council of the Assembly of the People of Kyrgyzstan, fourth Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic, first Chairman (Toraga) of the Assembly of People's Representatives (Upper House) of the Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament) of the Kyrgyz Republic and other outstanding experts.
In addition to changing the name of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, a number of issues were put on the agenda of the meeting of the General Assembly: the results of the organization’s activities in 2023 and plans for 2024; approval of the new version of the Assembly Charter; on the members of the Supreme Advisory Council; on the election of the Chairman of the General Council; on members of the General Council of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly and others.
The General Assembly will take place in Moscow on April 23, 2024 at 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.at the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation.