On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Day of Spiritual Harmony, the capital of Kazakhstan hosted a solemn conference "Spiritual Harmony - the Basis of the World", organized by the Center for the Study of Religions with the support of the Department of Religious Affairs of the Akimat of Astana, as well as a round table "International experience in finding solutions and mechanisms for stabilizing the development of human civilization in the face of modern challenges".
The co-organizer of the events was the International Association "Peace through Culture", headed by Tolegen Mukhamedzhanov, Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, composer, one of the initiators of the First Congress on Spiritual Harmony in 1992.
The Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly Andrey Belyaninov delivered an online greeting at the opening of the conference:
“In the modern context, the spiritual unity of people of different cultures and religions is becoming a strategic factor leading to stability and development of the world community. Only together, through conscious actions, can humanity help itself.”
First Deputy Secretary General - Head of the General Secretariat of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly Svetlana Smirnova in her online speech noted:
“Supporting the creative ideas of the Congress, many people from different parts of the world, despite the difference in languages, beliefs, their status and social status, speak and think about strengthening spiritual harmony, about the need to educate spiritual culture, affirming the true values of life with real practical deeds.”
Continuing the initiative of the Day of Spiritual Harmony, the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly approved and is implementing the International Action "Day of Spiritual Harmony of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly". The main event of the action in Moscow was the International Forum on Spiritual Harmony, which was successfully held on October 26, 2022 with the support of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation; with the participation of authoritative speakers, representatives of public organizations, national-cultural and religious associations from the regions of Russia, from Austria, Azerbaijan, Germany, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan.
The speakers noted the importance of strengthening international humanitarian cooperation, developing interethnic and interreligious dialogue. The International Forum on Spiritual Harmony will develop in this area. Its next session is scheduled to be held in May 2023 in Samarkand (Uzbekistan).
In Kyrgyzstan, in Bishkek, two major events were held on October 18, 2022 as part of the International Action "Day of Spiritual Harmony of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly".
The international scientific and practical conference "The economic security of the state as the main aspect of national security" was held at the Kyrgyz National University. J. Balasagyn. The conference was opened by Rector of the University Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov and Deputy of the Jogorku Kenesh of the 2nd and 5th convocations, ex-Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Kyrgyz Republic Roza Aknazarova.
In his welcoming speech, Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly Mikhail Fedorov outlined the role of the Day of Spiritual Harmony of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly in the modern unstable life of citizens, no matter what country they represent. Special attention he paid to the development of the regions of Russia and the countries of Central Asia on an innovative basis with the involvement of young people in solving urgent problems. A vivid example of an innovative approach to solving the problems of his country, according to Mikhail Fedorov, was shown by Korchubek Aknazarov. He noted that even today there is everything necessary: literate youth, who are fluent in information technologies, unique natural resources, etc. - to launch the project "Kyrgyzstan - the territory of creators." In each higher educational institution, Territories of creators with the participation of business and government should be created. A large similar experience has been accumulated in Russia: "Boiling Point", "Diploma as a Startup", etc. Such innovative platforms are being formed today in a number of educational institutions in Kyrgyzstan, and this is the right direction, since the average age of Nobel Prize winners when they made discoveries is 26 years. This means that the future belongs to the youth and for more effective work of the youth of different countries it is necessary to unite and create.
The second event - the International round table "Korchubek Aknazarov, Hero of Socialist Labor - the sower of goodness and prudence on the Earth" - consolidated the dialogue between the teams of students and teachers who train specialists at the I. Razzakov Kyrgyz Technical University and the Ural State Economic University. The conversation touched upon issues of mutual understanding, consent, building cooperation, joint search for solutions to food security problems. The Round Table was opened by Mikhail Fedorov, Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly. Speakers were Roza Aknazarova, deputy of the Jogorku Kenesh of the 2nd and 5th convocations, professor, Honored Economist of the Kyrgyz Republic; Olga Chugunova, Head of the Department of Technology and Catering, Ural State University of Economics, professor; university teachers and students. Students of universities in Russia and Kyrgyzstan supported the idea of holding the Russian-Central Asian Forum "Food and the Man of the Future" next year in Issyk-Kul, where future culinary specialists from different countries will meet.
The Cheboksary Technical School of Transport and Construction Technologies (Republic of Chuvashia) joined the International Action "Day of Spiritual Harmony of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly". Students, together with a foreign language teacher Valentina Semenova, supported the idea of uniting people, mutual respect for spiritual traditions and cultural values. The students analyzed the meaning of this action, emphasizing that consent means support, respect, friendship between people, respect for the cultural values of one's own and other peoples. As part of the action, they studied the traditions of the Tatar people, discussing their commonality with the Chuvash traditions and customs. Valentina Semenova emphasized that the tradition of drinking tea together promotes warm relations between people, and the students jointly decided that on the Day of Spiritual Harmony they would arrange a tea party for their friends and relatives, invite them to visit, which is now rare in the age of computerization and smartphones, which, with their actuality does not replace spiritual communication.
The international action "Day of Spiritual Harmony of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly" once again emphasized that unity and harmony are the most important moral principles. The ability to respect, understand each other, negotiate, make common useful decisions leads to the successful overcoming of difficulties, to the strengthening of good-neighborly relations, to creation.