Flyur Asadullin, a member of the Public Council at the Representation of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia), the Commissioner for Entrepreneurs’ Rights of in the Republic of Bashkortostan, received the award of the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs under the President of the Russian Federation for active maintenance of social networks.
A commemorative award was presented to Flyur Minzagitovich by the business Ombudsman of the Russian Federation Boris Titov in a solemn atmosphere at the XV All-Russian Conference of Ombudsmen for Entrepreneurs’ ‘ Rights, held on May 24 - 25, 2021.
“I think this is an aeward for the entrepreneurs of Bashkortostan,” - commented Flyur Asadullin.
Note that the website and social networks of the Commissioner for Entrepreneurs’ Rights in the Republic of Bashkortostan are really very popular not only among entrepreneurs, but all categories of users of online platforms.
Flyur Asadullin is also the host of the ZaDelo.ZaBiznes YouTube channel, where he talks about the most relevant topics for entrepreneurs.
In autumn, with the support of the Office of the Commissioner for Entrepreneurs’ Rights in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Representative Office of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly in the Republic of Bashkortostan will organize a conference “Ethno-style business: a national component in the development of the Russian regions’ economy”. Flyur Asadullin will be the moderator of the conference.