The organizing committee of the international action "Letters of Happiness" invites everyone to remember the good tradition of sending handwritten mail messages that brought joy to loved ones. They say that when you share happiness, it becomes more. Happy people are unlikely to want to quarrel with each other. It would seem that what can a small postcard, a letter do?
On April 14, the International Festival of Creative Works "Share Your Happiness" started. Based on these works printed postcards will be created, they will be sent around the world. Maybe it is your drawing that will bring happiness to millions of people! Also, the festival includes videos with the creation of drawings that will be included in the final video of the project.
The International Festival of Happiness, which will take place in September, will become the culmination of the Action. The longest letter of happiness will be created at the festival.
According to research, an active lifestyle gives the opportunity for self-realization and its adherents are more positive. Those who ignore social activity are less happy with the world, and every fifth of them is unhappy. Among those who volunteer, care for loved ones and strangers, there are more people living with a feeling of happiness, than among other citizens.
We invite you to join the public initiative: send #Letters of Happiness #LETTERSOFHAPPINESS to your relatives, friends and partners, create a postcard of happiness.
Details are on the Action page on the website of the organizer of the action of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly http://eurasia-assembly.org/en/letters-happiness
Department of Happiness: 8 (495) 774-12-44, 8 (985) 212-00-25