The 5th anniversary International Photo Contest “Mother and Children in National Costumes” has started to accept applications. Organized by the public organization "International Union of Women", the competition is supported by the Federal Agency for National Affairs of Russia. The International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations "Eurasian Peoples' Assembly" provides information support.
The competition is aimed at strengthening the traditional spiritual and moral values of civil unity and preserving the cultural historical heritage of the multinational people of the Russian Federation and the peoples of the world.
The project is to demonstrate the national color of different peoples through national costume, with the help of photographers’ talented works.
There are no age limits for the participation in the competition. Mothers and children are involved in the project, but fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers and other family members can also participate in the photo shoot. Participants in the photo competition independently choose the national costumes of the peoples of the Russian Federation, CIS countries and abroad for photography. The number of competition works per participant is 1 photo. Mail for accepting works: ethno-photo@yandex.ru
One of the goals of the international photo competition is to preserve traditional family values, strengthen intra-family and intergenerational relationships, and form family traditions. The organizing committee of the photo competition approved a new nomination - Vocal competition “Lullaby in the native language.”
Applications for participation in the vocal competition “Lullaby in the native language” with a recording of the song are accepted by email: ethno-photo-vocals@yandex.ru (The application form is in the Regulations).
The participants’ songs must correspond to the theme of the competition, assigned by the organizers of the competition “Lullaby song in the native language”. All terms of participation and Regulations are on the official website of the competition www.ethno-photo.com.
Applications for participation in the competition “Mother and Children in National Costumes” are accepted from January 31 to September 1, 2024. The results will be announced on the official website by September 25, 2024.