In November 2021, at the initiative of the UN Secretary General, the 2021 Food Systems Summit will take place. It is aimed to call for new decisive action to change the way the world produces and consume food, reduce diet-related diseases, make the planet healthier and make progress in the implementation of all 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
The International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations "Eurasian Peoples' Assembly" invites all interested non-governmental and government organizations to take part in this significant event, come to the table of the Independent Dialogue "Different Routes – Similar Goals" in support of the Food Systems Summit 2021. Independent dialogue is an integral, developing the theme of the Summit, part of the events of Global Food Forum - 2021.
The Independent Dialogue aims to help raise global awareness, strengthen global commitments and action, and provide an opportunity for contributors with different voices to find common ground to combine their efforts.
Effectively responding to emergencies, saving the lives of people at risk of hunger, achieving the Zero Hunger 2030 goal requires the coordinated work of multiple partners, whether humanitarian, government or the private sector, as each partner shares his knowledge and ideas in the name of common cause. The focus of the Independent Dialogue is on assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which escalates into an economic crisis with severe implications for food security. Rising food prices due to supply chain disruptions can lead to an increase in the depth and extent of poverty. As well as the role of partnerships in achieving the SDGs and promoting post-era economic recovery.
Special attention within the dialogue is paid to the most effective use of best practices, experience and knowledge as part of building independent interactions to achieve the SDGs in Greater Eurasia - Africa and the Eurasian Economic Union.
Check out the Concept Note on the Independent Dialogue “Different Routes – Similar Goals” in support of the 2021 Food Systems Summit.
Anyone can join the Dialogue on the UN Single Portal at the link by clicking the «Contact Convenor» button, specifying the name, email, topic of speech, participation form (online / offline). You can also send any additional information. After registration, an access code (for online participation) and a dialogue program will be sent to the specified mail.