First Deputy Secretary General - Head of the General Secretariat of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, member of the Russian Presidential Council on Interethnic Relations Svetlana Smirnova met with the Governor of the Kemerovo Region Sergei Tsivilev. They discussed large-scale international projects that are being implemented in Kuzbass and outlined plans for cooperation. The meeting took place as part of Svetlana Konstantinovna’s visit to the Forum of National Unity, which took place on February 9 in Kemerovo.
The First Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly spoke about the active work of the organization in the Eurasian space, which includes more than 100 countries. 50 countries and government organizations are official members of the Assembly. Now cooperation has been established with all 22 Arab countries, in particular with Arab universities - there are more than 400.
The governor of Kuzbass declared his readiness to cooperate with the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly in the implementation of major international projects: “Many highest-level events take place in our region. For example, the International Yuri Gagarin Festival, which we organize jointly with Roscosmos and the Russian Military Historical Society. This is a major event. Last year it was attended by representatives of 53 Cities of Labor Glory in Russia and young people from other countries. Let's work together to ensure that more friendly states are represented at such a large-scale event. Kuzbass is ready to cooperate with the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly,” the governor suggested. Svetlana Smirnova supported the proposal.
Also, the First Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly and the head of the region discussed cooperation in holding the third visiting session of the Eurasian Women’s Forum “Woman in Industry”. It is scheduled in Kemerovo on May 31 this year. Sergey Tsivilev said that delegations from the BRICS countries have been invited to Kuzbass, and the region is ready to expand the geography of participants. Svetlana Smirnova took the initiative to present this event and the cultural and economic potential of the region as a whole at the Assembly Days, which will be held in the United Arab Emirates in April 2024.
First Deputy Secretary General - Head of the General Secretariat of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, member of the Presidential Council of the Russian Federation on Interethnic Relations Svetlana Smirnova took part in the Forum of National Unity on February 9, 2024. The forum held in the capital of Kuzbass gathered more than 3.5 thousand delegates from the Russian regions of Siberia, Tatarstan and Yakutia. During the day, the forum featured 10 discussion sections, where participants discussed issues of preventing interethnic and interfaith conflicts, ensuring social stability, patriotic education of youth, preventing interethnic extremism, and preserving original folk culture.