Supported by the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, the ANNIVERSARY Eurasian High Fashion Contest of the National Costume ETHNO-ERATO will take place on November 27-28, 2021.
The contest day will take place on November 27, 2021 at 9.00 a.m. at the state budgetary institution "Moscow House of Nationalities", Novaya Basmannaya Street, 4, bilding. 1, metro "Krasnye Vorota".
Gala concert of winners and laureates will take place on November 28, 2021 at 5.00 p.m. at Great Hall of the Moscow Government, Novy Arbat Street, 36/9, metro "Krasnopresnenskaya", "Barrikadnaya".
The goal of the contest is preservation of national identity, cultural and historical heritage.
The Contest is open to young fashion designers, designers, students, members of national and cultural autonomies, public associations, and student communities. The competition opens up new names!
Contest Nominations:
- "The best Slavic costume",
- "The best costume of the peoples of the Caucasus",
- "The best Oriental costume",
- "The best costume of the Finno-Ugric peoples",
- "The best costume of the peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East",
- "Ethnic motives in modern costume",
- "Retro ethnic costume"
- "Best Ethnic Stage Costume" in action (choreography, excerpts from the play, vocal accompaniment, etc.)
The winners (the first place in the nominations) are awarded the main prize of the ETHNO-ERATO Contest.
Second and third places are awarded with diplomas.
Special prizes of the contest are established:
- "For professionalism",
- "The up-and-coming couturier"
- "For careful preservation of folk traditions."
Contest Conditions
Travel and accommodation at the expense of the sending party.
An application for participation in the contest, portfolio, photographs and contact numbers should be sent by e-mail:
etno-erato.mdn@mail.ru until November 1, 2021.
The application includes: the participant’s (author’s) name of the collection, contest nomination, name of the collection and the description of the costume, the number of costumes, the models involved by prior arrangement, address and contact numbers (the application form can be found below on this page), a list of all participants to enter building.
Have musical accompaniment with you - only on a USB flash drive in MP3;
In each category, from 1 to 10 collections can be presented.
Organizers’ Contacts (from 10.00 a. m. to 6.00 p. m.)
Isakova Gulnara Kalkenovna Coordinator of the state budgetary institution "Moscow House of Nationalities" +7 (495) 625-30-55 (work), +7 (963) 710-54-00, +7 (916) 420-57-51
Titkova Oksana Valentinovna Coordinator of the state budgetary institution "Moscow House of Nationalities" +7 (495) 625-93-41 (work), +7 (916) 831-37-89
Polyakova Irina Ivanovna Coordinator of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly +7 (909) 155-98-18
Kanapyanova Raushan Musakhanovna Author and coordinator of the project, chairman of the coordinating council of the "Forum of Women of Eurasia" +7 (910) 423-52-39
Application form for participation in the contest