The small village of Buranovo became famous all over the world after the Eurovision Song Contest. Simple grandmothers from the village became real triumphants of the Contest.
The main goal of the grandmothers was to build a church in their village, which was destroyed in the 30s of the last century. The church was built by the whole village.
Now this village has become a real Mecca for caring and kind people from different countries. The people's museum contains gifts from all over the world that people gave to Buranovo Grannies. There are unique exhibits - clothing, household utensils in the museum. Each item has his history.
Simple life lessons from Grannies became good instructions for children and their relatives.
What is fame? Why is it so important to work all the time? Why do we need to hug people all over the world? Grannies told about these and many other things.
Olga Tuktareva, the Director of the group Buranovo Grannies, told EURASIA KIDS about their new songs and new ideas.
This amazing story that happened to the simple grandmothers became for many a story of faith and true love for people.
Alena Selezneva