What is happiness? Children in different countries of Eurasia pondered this question.
The idea to combine children's thoughts about happiness in a video came from Yulia Unyaeva (Seoul, South Korea), editor-in-chief of the online magazine KIM (Korea and We) and the founder of the family inclusive club Ohana (Family).
Children from different countries took part in the video called "Happiness is Easy". So what is happiness?
Mariam Attafey, 9 years old (Morocco): Happiness is when you spend time with your families.
Michelle Umunakkwe, 7 years old (South Korea): When you are not sick and when mom and dad love you.
Lana Kim, 12 years old (Australia): For me happiness is when I dance. I really like to dance.
Darina Al Hniti, 7 years old (Indonesia): Love. It is also a joy.
Igor Bodryakov, 12 years old (Canada): This is when you are very happy about something. When you're lucky, maybe.
Salma Abd Alkader, 6 years old (Jordan): When my family and I walk and sing along.
David Kim, 6 years old (South Korea): Good, big, funny feelings.
Margarita Bodryakova, 10 years old (Canada): When everything is easy with you. As if you have no problem.
Gabriel Sharapaev, 5 years old (Australia): When you eat only chocolate and touch animals.
Mark Aleksandrov, 8 years old (South Korea): Happiness is when you succeed in something and you are very happy about it.
Vladimir Kim, 8 years old (Australia): When you give gifts, when you are given gifts.
Eva Lee, 4 years old (South Korea): When we didn’t wear a mask.
Kirill Bakhmetyev, 9 years old (Malaysia): When you succeed in something with a friend or family member.
Polina Sulima, 5 years old (Thailand): When mom and dad are near, and when you can travel.
Alexander Litovchenko. 7 years old (Italy): When you see your beloved friends and no one offends you.
Jasmine Kanishcheva, 11 years old (Thailand): When your soul is happy.
Eva Valentina Gunarson, 7 years old (Iceland): When there is a mom and dad and I have a little brother.
Yousef Abuarkob, 6 years old (Jordan): When there is a lot of ice cream.
Nastya Unyaeva, 8 years old (Russia): Happiness is when you have parents and everyone is safe and sound.
Antonina Bakhmetyeva, 5 years old (Malaysia): If someone gave a gift or did a good deed.
Andrey Slobodenyuk, 9 years old (Singapore): Walking and composing music on the violin.
Alexey Bill Bitzhoka, 8 years old (Cameroon): This is when my fish gave birth and I am happy.
Anna Kuwata, 10 years old (Malaysia): Happiness is when no one is sick and there is no war.
Maria Slobodyanyuk, 7 years old (Singapore): This is when I play with Andryusha.
Milla Vereshchagina, 8 years old (Bali, Indonesia): When a dog jumps at me, when we come home.
Ruslan Alshekh, 3 years old (Palestine): Happiness is in a big house.
Karina Vasilieva