Friends of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly - one of the warmest public international projects "Eurasia Kids" invites the younger generation to show off their creativity and find new friends among different regions, countries and continents.
Summer holidays are in full swing, and schoolchildren can try themselves as journalists, creators of text and audio-visual content that will be posted on the online resources of the international integration platform "Eurasia Kids”. Children's news from different parts of Eurasia and other continents will be collected by young journalists as part of this project. There is still a lot of time until autumn, and this is a great time to learn new things, meet new friends from different countries and tell about yourselves and your peoples in a creative way or in a news format.
The multimedia Internet project "Eurasia Kids" has been speaking different languages for six years: Russian and English, Uzbek and Armenian, and so on. There should be more languages, because the scope of social friendship is not limited by any state borders or artificial political barriers. Among the "Eurasia Kids" who recently took part in the "Pushkin's Journey" contest, there are children from different countries and regions; Russian Eastern Siberia and Transbaikalia stand next to Nicaragua and Spain. Guys from Australia, Belarus, Gambia and Russia sent video greetings to their new friends, telling how they and their relatives live.
The goals of the project, implemented with the support of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly and international partners, are to create the most open space for children and adolescents to communicate on the principles of friendliness and mutual understanding, to promote peaceful initiatives for social and creative development, and to expand opportunities for self-realization in the future. This creates personal contacts between children and allows for a better understanding of personal and social demands and expectations.
The Summer Press Centre is a unique meeting point for young talents who are full of ideas, aspirations to grow and develop, to find new friends and like-minded people, to create and make new things. In addition to publications on the "Eurasia Kids" website, the children are expected to attend masterclasses in journalism and meet with actors, directors and famous personalities. The project was supported by the leaders of the people's, we can say, the most open and sincere diplomacy of children from Belarus, Russia, Uzbekistan and other countries.
Please send your news to eurasiakids@mail.ru and, of course, we wish everyone a happy creative summer.