EURASIA KIDS continue to send letters and gifts to their peers in different countries. This time children from the “Planet of the Best” community joined the action.
The children made cranes and sent them to their friends in different regions of Russia and abroad. Adults also joined the kids' initiative. Together with the cranes, branded chocolates "EURASIA KIDS" will be send to the children.
Recall that the project "EURASIA KIDS" operates since 2018. Its tasks: to acquaint children with the life of their peers in different countries, to enable children to tell about their own vision of the world and life around them, to involve children and adolescents in socially significant peacemaking activities, to organize, support and develop information and cultural exchange among children in the online format ( on the Internet and social media) and in offline format (meetings of project participants), create conditions for self-realization of the most socially active children and adolescents.
In 2021, on the initiative of the Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly Andrei Belyaninov, the "Letters of Happiness" action was launched.
The Department of Happiness of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly invites everyone to remember the good tradition of sending handwritten mailings, which brought joy to loved ones. They say that when you share happiness, it becomes more. And happy people are unlikely want to start quarrels and be at enmity with each other. It would seem that what a small postcard or a letter can do? But believe us, even a small wish for happiness can do a lot.
Alena Selezneva