Today, April 15 is the Day of Environmental Knowledge. Sergey Alekseev, Chairman of the Council for Ecology of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, Chairman of the Committee on Ecology of the RF CCI, Deputy Chairman of the Public Council of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, member of the Presidium UNEPCOM Russia, Candidate of Physical and mathematical Sciences, addressed a special message to all:
- The Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly marks an important date today - the Day of Environmental Knowledge. The history of this holiday began with the UN Conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, which discussed the environmental problems and emphasized the enormous importance of environmental education of the population of all countries in the implementation of the strategy of survival, and for sustainable human development.
The main goal of the holiday is to promote environmental knowledge and the formation of environmental culture of the population. In today's complex realities, the significance of this area of human activity becomes even more important. In the days when all countries are resisting the CAVID-19 virus, the role of a competent and responsible attitude to the nature of our common home - the Earth and the influence of man on it is becoming more and more clear.
I want to note that the Day of Environmental Knowledge is important not only for those involved in environmental education, but also for all inhabitants of our planet, and perhaps primarily, for the peoples of Eurasia, who took the first blow of the pandemic.
The path that the population has to go through in understanding how important environmental education is, is very difficult and thorny. This is a huge challenge to all the States of Eurasia, which is a significant part of our planet’s territory.
Today the development of environmental culture is the key to preserving the health of our future generations.
I wish you all good health in these difficult days! Take care of yourself, be attentive to your beloved ones and help each other. Together we will cope with any challenges!