March 20 - 26, 2023, the International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations "Eurasian Peoples' Assembly" holds the Days of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly in the Republic of India.
The main goal of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly is the formation of a public integration model of a Greater Eurasian Partnership of peoples based on spiritual and moral principles, in the name of establishing peace and harmony, through the development of multilateral cooperation and public (people's) diplomacy. Today representatives of non-governmental organizations from more than 50 countries of the continent are members of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly.
The Days of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly have been already held in France, India, the United Arab Emirates, Serbia, Bulgaria, Mongolia, Azerbaijan, Egypt and attracted significant media interest in these countries.
Representatives of the diplomatic corps, international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, figures of science, education, culture and sports, businessmen and journalists are invited to participate in the Days of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly in India.
The Program of the Days of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly in India includes:
- International discussion platform "The role of public diplomacy in the formation of new models of Eurasian partnership";
- International Round Table “Sister-Cities relations. Eurasian model of inter-municipal diplomacy”;
- International Business Forum "Business Dialogue in the Eurasian Space";
- Eurasian Digital Forum;
- Forum "Food Security and Food Systems Development";
- International round table “Sport Unites Nations. Towards EURASIADA”;
- Session of the International Forum of Spiritual Harmony;
- International round table “Problems of conservation and management of cultural and natural heritage sites in the contemporary context”;
- International round table "Training and Supporting Young Professionals to Build a Promising International Education Area";
- International Round Table "New Generation of Eurasia";
- Round table “The Feminine Dimension. Space";
- International Forum "THERE IS HAPPINESS!", dedicated to the International Day of Happiness;
- meetings with representatives of state authorities, young parliamentarians, with the leadership and students of leading universities in India, heads of intergovernmental organizations;
- art exhibitions;
- film screenings;
- creative meetings
and much more.
Read daily news on the website of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly.
Operational information about the Days of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly in Egypt - in official accounts in social networks:
- VKontakte
- Telegram - Eurasian Peoples' Assembly
- YouTube
- for information cooperation:
- for general questions: