The headquarters of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly in Moscow hosted a meeting of the Council on Historical Memory which was held in a hybrid,
offline/online, format.
The meeting was attended by Council members and representatives of public organizations from Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Lithuania, the United States
of America, the Republic of Moldova, the Transdniestria Moldovan Republic and the Russian Federation.
One of the key issues is the preparation and holding a series of events to mark the 80th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War
of 1941-1945 by
the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly. To that end, an International Public Committee ‘WON TOGETHER’ will be established.
On behalf of the International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations ‘Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, Deputy Secretary-General Valery Ruzin
the participants. He noted the importance of solidarity work of representatives of different countries. At the moment the plan of joint activities is being
formed, the information will be supplemented.
Also, the meeting voiced proposals on inclusion of the profile activities of the partners in the Council's activity plan for the period up to 2025.
One of the issues was the inclusion of new members to the Historical Memory Council.