The International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations "Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly" invites rural territories of Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan to participate in the competitive admission for participation in the week-long educational tour "Heritage of Eurasia: cultural practices of rural territories" on the route "Udmurtia - Mordovia" on June 1-6, 2022.
The general program of the event is aimed at involving residents of rural settlements in the development of socio-cultural projects in the context of the development of an ethno-cultural environment, training in modern technologies for organizing cultural practices. Participation in the project will give rural activists an opportunity to improve their competencies in the participatory design, get acquainted with leading experts and practitioners in sustainable rural development, create vertical and horizontal communications, exchange experience, and build interstate cooperation in the Eurasian space.
The teams participating in the project can include activists, public figures, leaders, volunteers. One team can include up to three people. Residents of rural areas of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, as well as two regions of the Russian Federation – Udmurtia and Mordovia, can take part in the project by filling out a questionnaire by the link until April 25, 2022.
An important criterion for the selection of 10 teams will be a request for knowledge, experience in involving rural residents in socially significant practice, as well as commitment to the interests of the local community.
The results will be published on the website of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly and in the official VKontakte project group by the end of April 2022.
The project "Heritage of Eurasia: Cultural Practices of Rural Territories" is being implemented by the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly with the grant support of the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives.