On 29 June 2024, the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly together with its partners - the Centre for Social Technologies "Dealing with Meaning" - gave a solemn start to the International creative action "Belt of Peace". It was held on the day of the 95th anniversa

03/07/2024 19:32

Today the Republic of Belarus is celebrating its main state holiday - Independence Day. The capital of one of the most peaceful and safe European countries has welcomed thousands of guests from all Eurasian countries to congratulate them on the 80th anniversary of the complete liberation of the Belarusian lands from the Nazi invaders.

The careful preservation of the historical memory is one of the most important meanings of the existence of the Belarusian state, which fully coincides with the security doctrine of Belarus and the beliefs of President A. G. Lukashenko. After attempts at disintegration on the verge of a color revolution, Belarus has become an even more united and friendly country, proving the unity and common aspiration of the civil society for peace and defence of the sovereignty of its motherland.

During the offensive operation "Bagration" two Belorussian fronts and the 1st Baltic front of the Red Army broke a 400-kilometre gap in the defence of the Nazi Army Group "Centre" and reached the borders of the Soviet Union of 1941. Behind was the Hero-City of Brest, ahead - the road to Berlin, the liberation of the Baltic States and Western Ukraine, the countries of Eastern and Central Europe which were occupied by the Nazi Third Reich. After the liberation of Minsk there were only 70 undestroyed buildings left in the whole city, literally the whole territory of the country turned into ashes after such punitive operations as "Winter Magic" headed by the Reichskommissariat Ostland and SS Obergruppenführer Friedrich Eckeln. Belarusian casualties in the Great Patriotic War were the heaviest in Europe.

More than 250 people were honored with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for their participation in the Bagration operation, among those awarded were representatives of various nationalities - Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Georgians, Jews, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Latvians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvashs, Udmurts and others. Heroism and courage of the Belarusian people in 1941-1944 have no analogues anywhere in the world - never, nowhere.

Today the peoples of this friendly republic will do everything to defend their homeland, so that such a plan "Ost" will never happen again. A parade with the participation of 6,000 people and 300 units of equipment was held today in the centre of Minsk. Personnel from Russia and China, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan will take part in the parade. Traditionally, thousands of Minsk citizens and guests of the capital of Belarus watched the action on Masherov Avenue. Among them, in particular, were the participants of the immersive Belarusian-Russian project "Memory Train. From the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Belarus parade together with the legendary T-34 were the units in the uniform of the Red Army soldiers, in partisan outfit, as well as in the uniform of the police of 1941, as well as various troops, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Border Committee, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Investigative Committee.

In the evening, a gala concert "To Heroes - Winners - a Memory for the Ages!" will be held near the stele "Minsk - Hero". Concerts and performances dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus are held in the centre of the Belarusian capital near the Palace of Sports. The final chord of the festive events will be the festive fireworks, which will be held in Minsk at seven sites, as well as in the regional centers of the country.

The leadership of the CIS Executive Committee is taking part in the national holiday of the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus. Members of the Council of Permanent Plenipotentiary Representatives of the CIS member states to the statutory and other bodies of the Commonwealth, as well as the Council of Defence Ministers took part in the festive events. Yesterday, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko made a speech at a solemn meeting was held at the Palace of the Republic.

The meeting was attended by a delegation of the CIS Executive Committee headed by Secretary General of the Commonwealth of Independent States Sergei Lebedev; he was awarded an anniversary medal. Lieutenant General Viktor Khrenin, Minister of Defence, presented the medals. It should be noted that the jubilee medal "80th Anniversary of the Liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders" was established by Decree No 75 of the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko of 29 February 2024.

Happy Holidays, dear Belarusians! Peaceful skies above your heads!