On September 19, 2021, the organizers of the UN Food Systems Summit, which will take place on September 23 in New York, hosted the Global Shared Meal, a virtual shared dinner with thousands of others around the world.
Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, Kyrgyz People's Assembly, I. Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University supported by KyrgyzStandart, the National Technological Chamber of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, the Independent Accreditation Agency "Bilim-Standard" held the Global Shared Meal. Not only employees and students of the university, but also guests, representatives of science and business, government institutions and civil society, young people from different countries took part in the event.
The leaders and guests of the Meal gathered at the dinner table in the culinary laboratory of the department of technology of public catering products of Razzakov KSTU. Representatives of the regions of Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Tajikistan joined the Meal online to discuss their participation in the summit.
The meal was opened by Professor M.V. Fedorov, Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly and R.Sh. Elemanova, scientific consultant to the National Technological Chamber of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Razzakov KSTU. The speakers stressed the importance of the summit not only for Kyrgyzstan, but also for the entire world community.
One of the main problems voiced during the Global Shared Meal was how to combine the food business, aimed by human violence against nature to obtain maximum profit in any way (hence the food products with GMO, low quality), with the production of healthy food, organic products, useful man.
The participants of the Meal raised the following questions: the way to ensure the maximum amount of food consumed by people is produced in the ecosystems of their residence, and not imported from afar, "stuffed" with preservatives for long-term storage; the way to improve the culture of nutrition, starting from childhood, etc.
The participants of the Global Shared Meal unanimously supported the holding of the International Forum "Our Way - Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals", which will be held on November 9-11, 2021, within the World Day of Quality.
The year 2022 is approaching. What events await us? In response to this question, the Global Shared Meal attendees celebrated next year's important events such as the Global Food Forum 2022 (May) and the 65th International Quality Congress (Fall).