Assembly emphasized the Importance of the First Flight into Space

15/10/2020 20:42

Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly Andrey Belyaninov welcomed the participants of the roundtable meeting “Towards the Future!” dedicated to the World Space Week and the upcoming celebration of the 60th anniversary of the first human spaceflight.

The greeting reads:

- The first human flight into space was extremely important for the further development of cosmonautics and the progress of all mankind. It marked the beginning of a new era in the history of human exploration of outer space, laid the foundation for grandiose breakthroughs in the development of science and technology, and opened up new boundless opportunities for advancing into the Universe.

Yuri Gagarin's flight confirmed the integrity of human civilization on the Planet Earth, its unity in the face of the inevitable space challenges. The view from space reminded earthlings of the need for peace, kindness, humanism, and responsibility for preserving life on Earth and beyond.

One of the goals of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly is to unite peoples and educate the younger generation on the basis of spiritual and moral values common to all mankind. In the year of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory, won together, it is especially clear to us that the peoples of the Earth can achieve peace, harmony, and mutual understanding only together, with the whole world, exactly the same as they can conquer the cosmic expanses only together.

Therefore, we consider the upcoming 60th anniversary of the first space flight as a step towards the future that Yuri Gagarin foresaw - a future that is peaceful, harmonious, and develops the cultural and spiritual potential of humanity to improve life.

We thank all those who are not indifferent to the topic of space, both in Russia and in other countries, and are ready to take an active part in the preparation and implementation of initiatives to hold festive events for April 12.


The greeting of the Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly Andrey Belyaninov was read by the Chairman of the Council “Space - a Space of Peace, Trust and Cooperation” of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, President of the International Association of participants in space activities, Chairman of the League of Russian societies of friendship with post-Soviet countries, President of the Russian society of friendship and cooperation with Armenia, Doctor of Social Sciences Viktor Krivopuskov.

The roundtable meeting “Towards the Future!” dedicated to the World Space Week and the upcoming celebration of the 60th anniversary of the first human flight into outer space was held on October 9, 2020 in the conference hall of the Cosmos pavilion at VDNH (Moscow, Russia). The organizer is the Association of Cosmonautics Museums of Russia (AMCOS) with the support of various public and state organizations.

The roundtable meeting was attended by specialists and veterans of the space industry, students of aerospace and engineering universities, employees of museums and libraries, educational and scientific institutions related to both training and popularization of the history of Russian cosmonautics, space topics in culture, representatives of public organizations and communities, writers, artists, teachers, journalists, space enthusiasts, etc.